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Well all official and just have to pack now. Steelie, Amigo and I are off to Sydney tomorrow for some fun and games. :D

Doing the Royal on Thursday, day off on Friday to go to some doggie parks/cafe's, showing at the Sighthound show on Saturday, and then the whippet shows on Sunday and Monday. :teehee:

Will be catching up with a few people and hoping to meet plenty of others. Might even be some little surprises along the way. :- "

And as long as I survive the traffic we'll be flying out Tuesday.

All the best to those attending over the Easter weekend, will look forward to meeting you.

Good luck Cristina!

And may all your little surprises be sweet!
Have fun & all the best :D Was going to be at the Royal ourselves, but Miss Molly will be poppin out babies on Thursday :wub: Would have been great to have been at the Royal with both Steelie & Alex in attendance - oh well, next year (w00t)

I have a feeling the easter bunny is going to leave you something special :- " Don't forget to leave out a carrot or 2 :p
Thanks guy's,

Really looking forward to the time away.

Hope you have a better weekend over Easter Lana in Townsville. You'll have to let me know all the goss. By the way there is definately a change of judge in Tully as the secretary called to let me know.

I'm not going anywhere for Easter - Rob's working and I have babies to look after.

Re the change - yep - I rang to find out and then got an email as well.

Think I've figured out where your surprise is coming from........ :- "
Hi ya,

Just back from the Royal, what a hot day but interesting. :)

Pleased with Amigo as he got 4th place in his class and as for his dad afraid Steelie got cut out in the Open class but another Shenace dog took his place. Well done Alex on your 4th in class. Heard about your good news too Lynda, congratulations.

Wanted to take piccys but didn't get a chance, well sort of forgot about the camera as I was in heaven with so many whippet around me. :wub:

Stay tuned though - bit surprise tomorrow. 8) Can only guess right Lana if your helping with entries for an upcoming show.

Absolutely awesome day :p So sounds like Master Alex kicked Steelie Wonder off his post :b oh well.. not like they could be split into NZ Bred (w00t) (w00t)

Kerry had an awesome day with placings to 4th with Alex n his kids - and of course not forgetting RBCC with the gorgeous Gina :wub: but am a bit proud that Christian who we campaigned here & who produced Alex, won BOB :cheers:

The Aussie system is odd :wacko: I know Kerry won POB with an Alex kid who is the spitting image of her nana Lulu, how does it roll out from here on in for group judging???? If here in NZ, all off breed winnners get to come back for judging???

heeeeee... roll on the surprise :- "
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Well what a lovely overcast drizzly day, so much for leaving the rain up in North Qld.

Have left my marked catalogue somewhere of today's results from the Sighthound show so I'm not even going to attempt to list winners, I'm sure someone will be on tonight with them.

But Amigo got dumped today and Steelie went 3rd in the Open class (sorry Alex :) )

:D Good news though my little girl first day of showing won her class and behaved like a little trooper. Stacked her on the table while the judge was looking at the puppy in front, quietly wishing she would look around and see how well she was behaving, when she did, she made cutie pie little noises and that was the end of her stack.

Had fun and caught up with some lovely people, finally got to meet Gail Knightbridge (K9 member)

Anyway will see how tomorrow goes, hope the rain goes away, or there might be a strong contest on the most shivery whippy. :D

But who's "the little girl" :- " :blink:

Go Steelie Wonder :thumbsup: good on ya for sharing it around with 'that other' Shenace dog (w00t) Worry not Amigo - your day tomorrow :wub:

Who got the CC's - you must know that much?????

I am throwing my toys out of the cot :angry: Madam 10 yr old got RBOG today with Holly :wub: - seems they are making a habit of beating the mother... that is not supposed to happen until I can't run around the ring anymore :lol: Oh well, tell Alex when you see him tomorrow his daughter Sage won the puppy bitch class yesterday, nice class of 6 :wub: Still couldn't get past the daughter for the higher award though :blink:
Must be time the kid did something naughty that you could ground her for Lynda! (w00t)

Come on Cristina - 'fess up! Who's keeping secrets now hey? ;) You're showing her down there why can't we know who she is? I wanna see if I'm right. You left your catalogue "somewhere" on purpose didn't you?

Well done Steelie Wonder! :thumbsup:

Who are the judges for all four shows again?
Didn't get any placings at the first whippy show on Sunday, but today under Annabel Gunn she gave Amigo 2nd in the Junior class - Yooo Hooo :D

Steelie didn't place and little Lyric got 3rd in baby bitch (mind you there were only 3 girls) but she was the youngest baby there in boys and girls. She had an apsolute ball playing out in the ring today - thought she could of at least won it on cuteness. :)

By the way she is Corridale Cover Story (Corridale Designer Label x Corridale Oriental Spice) bred by The Ladds and chosen for me by Geoff Love and Kerry Hutt, (who I might say are very please with their choice from the litter) She has won quite a few hearts over the weekend. :wub:

Will try to downsize the photo's taken of her and post them on so you can have a look see.

Big trip home tomorrow and then some rest -_- for the dogs but back to work for me. :angry:

Ah excellent! Good boy Amigo! Doesn't it feel good Cristina????

Welcome little Lyric :cheers: I will get to meet you in just a couple of weeks!
Lyric at her first show

aslan said:
Christina, it was really good to meet you this weekend but oh, that Lyric, what a little darling. I kept hoping you would look the other way so I could whizz her off into my crate & bring her back to Melbourne.

I wish you lots & lots of good luck with her & a safe trip home.

Yahhhh Whoooo we're finally home.

Had a fantastic time in Sydney, enjoyed all the shows and want to thank those who made me feel so welcomed.

Thanks for the lovely comments on Lyric, don't worry Gail I was keeping an eye on a lot of people wanting to whisk her away. I was able to after all get her on the same flight home with the boys and myself thanks to the very kind guys at Virgin Air Freight who bent over backwards to look after the dogs and make me feel comfortable about leaving them all in their hands.

Was lucky with our flight as when I got back to Townsville I was told by the freight guy that about 4 other planes had been grounded and that there was a huge backlog with the next plane expected not to arrive until 9pm tonight. Don't think I would of been able to relax if we had been stuck at Sydney airport

Lyric has settled in wonderful claiming her part of the lounge as soon as she stepped inside the house. :D

Thanks also to the very hard working committee and workers of the Sighthound Club and Whippet Club - job well done. :cheers:

I missed seeing the piccy's of wee Lyric - she is :wub: :wub: I am sure you are in for some fun times :thumbsup: All the best with this wee doll.
Thank you Lynda,

She has settle in so well, pretty much taken over everything, even the oldies are letting her do what she wants. Shows again this weekend and will try to take some more pic's :wub: Apparently her brother has been doing quite well too.

Didn't Shenace dogs and offspring do well over Easter - have to be as happy as I am. :D


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