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WCRA Affiliation


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Can someone tell me the advantages for a club of being affliated to the WCRA please?
Nigel said:
BeeJay said:
Can someone tell me the advantages for a club of being affliated to the WCRA please?
Now, Now :- "

It's a serious question Nigel. Honestly. :)

I'm confused as to the relationship between the WCRA and the affliated clubs. I don't for example know if clubs run to their own rules or have some/all WCRA rules imposed on them because they are affliated.

Everytime I think that I understand this relationship I find that I don't.
BeeJay said:
It's a serious question Nigel.  Honestly. :)
:D :D

Unfortunately I don't feel qualified to give you an answer. Perhaps somebody from the... No, silly idea.
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Affiliated clubs can clear dogs for passport purposes, issue passport stickers and run their opens(or should that be open, now) for WCRA superstar points.

Each affiliated club has to send a copy of their club rules to the WCRA every year for approval. And thats about it. Neither Oxford or Phoenix are affiliated, and as far as I know, neither intend to become affiliated. Both are well supported and are planning to hold an open this year. These opens will count for Whippet news Top Ten.
Thanks Rob for clearing that up for me. :)

Next question for those opens that run only for WN Top Ten points do the dogs need to be passported? To put it another way is it in the WN Top Ten rules, if there are any?
And here we get to the nitty gritty Beejay :lol:
I was told that you could race an unpassported dog at an unaffiliated clubs open long as it was within the weight limit .........same as at the Sporting Champs, don't know how accurate this is though :- "
The unaffiliated clubs do allow non passported dogs to run. But, these dogs must be kennel club registered and within the weight limit. Therefore, a non passported dog could run at: Oxford, Phoenix, The J R Whippet rescue open and at the Sporting Champs. So, as long as the club was happy with the dogs credentials, then it could run. In theory this would allow oversize(height) dogs to run, although I don't know of any dogs that only run at these events because they have been refused a passport. The sad thing is, that most owners would pass on an oversize dog that couldn't get a passport.

Does anyone know how many dogs have been refused a passport in recent years due to being oversize? I know there are one or two WCRA seconders who use this forum. Does anyone think that there are any oversize dogs out there with a passport? :- " And if so, then should the height limits be more rigorously enforced.
I know there are one or two WCRA seconders who use this forum. Does anyone think that there are any oversize dogs out there with a passport?  And if so, then should the height limits be more rigorously enforced.
Speaking as a WCRA seconder, yes the limits should be more rigoruosly enforced, if you have rules stick to them if not get rid of them thats my thinking.

and yes of course there is the odd oversized dog running but the question is why? is it that the seconder made a mistake when measuring the dog (I don't think so) or is it due to the fact they didn't want to chance upsetting the dogs owner measuring the dog as over sized?.
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The second one Mark.

It isn't easy being an enforcer in a sport which is strictly amateur run, and I doubt that many would want to risk upsetting friends and club-mates with something that isn't readily checkable. We join clubs and race dogs for pleasure, not confrontation.

That's what the WCRA are for :- "

Oooh - was that out loud?

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