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Westminster a clarification from David Frei--

We have had, to put it mildly, an enthusiastic response to our announcement about our plans to put streaming video coverage of the Westminster breed competition on our web site. Thanks for your support.

We want to emphasize that we are shooting highlights of the breed judging.

You're not going to see each and every dog like you would in the videos that people shoot at specialties. We will try to show every dog as they come in the ring and then the final judging as the judge works his / her final choices. We will complement that with the online catalog and a listing of the final results. With 165 breeds and varieties, entries from 3 to 53, we will strive to be consistent in what we do. At the most, we are talking about 10-12 minutes for any breed.

Please cross post

David Frei

The Westminster Kennel Club

Video will be at:

Just checked the website Westminster websiteand there are THIRTEEN whippets entered
I was lucky 8) enough to go to the Westminster show about 13 years ago , For those who dont know what it is , its the American equvialent (sp) to our Crufts BUT only the first 2500 ( i think thats the right amount ) of dogs can enter , (w00t) So the first received in the post are in , All entrants HAVE to be Champions :sweating: , Its held in NEW YORK , Madison Square Gardens to be exact. There is only [SIZE=14pt]1 [/SIZE] class per breed , dogs and bitches are judged together , As Dawn said there is only 13 Whippets entered :( , the year I went there was 34 . :D

As the venue is so small all rings are given a set time for judging , and the time is stuck to ridgedly ,with very few rings , If i can find my pics i will scan some photos in to show you , There is hardly any benching , just the odd few round the back , Lots of people washing their dogs and lots of hair spray and hair driers going on all day . :eek:

To be honest ( sorry you USA people ) I really was not impressed with either the set up ( to much screamimg and hollering at the `in ` crowd , bit like a clapomiter method )(( please god that we never get THAT over here) or most of the dogs present . Most had completely upright shoulders , were far too tall and some of the fronts (w00t) . Yep i know Im going to get some flack for saying that , but it was over 12 years ago so maybe the quaility has improved or maybe just not the `best `managed to get their entries in in time. However I did love the winner ( and picked it out o:) ) Will have to look what it was .

All the groups are done at 8 pm and are live on TV . :wacko: Some of the handlers come in wearing evening dress ( well just the ladies :lol: ) for the group judging , lots of hype , as you would imagine .

An experiance that Im glad I had , NEW YORK alone is Fantastic . Some of those shops (w00t) (w00t) . $$$$$$$$$$$ lots of things to buy :cheers:

If ever any of you get the chance you really must go . :thumbsup:
Hey Jax, someone on the list - can't remember who - said they'd been to Tammsvik and it was great. :D
Ridgesetter said:
Hey Jax, someone on the list - can't remember who  - said they'd been to Tammsvik and it was great.  :D

[SIZE=14pt]L O L [/SIZE] :lol: :lol: :lol:

Who was that ?? :- " :cheers:
Just checked out the Italian Greyhound entry and there is 20. Strange to think of the IG entry being higher than the whips
Yes isnt it , but as it`s the first 2,500 entries received ! > In the new s letter it said what a good entry so and so had received , well all that meant was that peps in that breed are quicker at getting the entry in than the others , nothing to do with the judge at all :))

Best of Breed when I went was a` Sporting Fields `, must look it up and post some pics :teehee:
Can you ever imagine the Italian entry ever outstripping the Whippet entry at Crufts?

Seems a bit of an oddity to take entries on a first come first served basis. Complain as we do about the show scene over here, I think there are many more plus points about it when compared with the show scenes of the US of A and the continent.

:oops: Pinched from a Vizsla list.

Thought you may enjoy this - those who lack a sense of humour read no

further :)


A man had front row seats at Westminster Dog Show. As he sits down, a man

comes down from the stands and asked the him if anyone is sitting in the

seat next to him.

"No," he said, "the seat is empty."

"This is incredible," said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a

seat like this for Westminster, the biggest dog show event of the year, and

not use it ?"

Somberly, the man says, "Well... the seat actually belongs to me. I was

supposed to come here with my wife, but she passed away. This is the first

Garden Show we have not been together since we got married in 1967."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn't you find someone

else - a friend or relative or even a neighbor to take the seat?"

The man shakes his head, "No. They're all at her funeral."
Wayward_Angel said:
Best Of Breed went to "Trent" Ch Sporting Fields Rock On  :wub:   :wub:

Well done to the winner s , but it cant be very satisfying only beating 12 other dogs 8)

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