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Young dog not eatting


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Our 14 month old bitch has gone of her food and eatting only half her kibble daily allowance. Still full of energy and deception treats on walks. Had her first session about 2 months ago.

I'm hoping its just a phase.
First of all, I'd get her checked at the vet. One possibility is that she's having problems with her teeth, in which case softer food might help in the short term.

But some dogs simply find kibble boring - a different kibble, or a different type of food might work, or simply adding a bit of wet food into her dry.

Is she spayed? I dare say hormones could have a role, but my dog was male so it's not an area I know much about.
It's exactly the right time when she would have birthed a litter had she been mated. Hormones are awry at this time, and inappetance is very common. As the hormones naturally readjust, her appetite will come back. This is normal and perfectly healthy. Later seasons won't be as intense. Some vets use this as an excuse to spay immediately, but I've kept many whole bitches all of their lives, so only spay if you'd planned to and to your preferred schedule. I'd recommend a second season before you do if you do, but entirely your choice.
First of all, I'd get her checked at the vet. One possibility is that she's having problems with her teeth, in which case softer food might help in the short term.

But some dogs simply find kibble boring - a different kibble, or a different type of food might work, or simply adding a bit of wet food into her dry.

Is she spayed? I dare say hormones could have a role, but my dog was male so it's not an area I know much about.
I think she's having a phantom pregnancy.
We have introduced a wet veg broth and a bone broth or kefir on her kibble
It's exactly the right time when she would have birthed a litter had she been mated. Hormones are awry at this time, and inappetance is very common. As the hormones naturally readjust, her appetite will come back. This is normal and perfectly healthy. Later seasons won't be as intense. Some vets use this as an excuse to spay immediately, but I've kept many whole bitches all of their lives, so only spay if you'd planned to and to your preferred schedule. I'd recommend a second season before you do if you do, but entirely your choice.
I think she's having a phantom pregnancy.
We have her booked in to be spayed but should this be ture we probably will need to postpone.
Lack of appetite could also be because you are still feeding puppy rations and at her age she is naturally not requiring so much and is sensibly cutting her rations.

As @Hemlock has suggested spaying after a second season can be beneficial.
It will also allow her to mature properly !

We also leave our girls entire and never spay unless there is a genuine medical requirement.
Can I ask what breed is she ...
Ok quite a high energy mix then ....I wonder if she is just fed up with kibble of my boys is such a fussy eater what he will eat today he wont long as she isnt losing lots of weight I would try not to worry too much ;) would love to see a photo of her...

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