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I'm a granny!!


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Daughter-in-law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this evening, 7lb 13.5oz and absolutely perfect:emoji_blue_heart: Remember the days when the prospective grandparents didn't even know labour had started till after the baby was born? We had updates on WhatsApp throughout the day... I feel absolutely exhausted now!!
Congratulations....I miss baby days make the most of her as a baby they grow so quickly....xx

Oh, huge congratulations, to all of you. What's her name?
Ahhh, big congratulations! Lovely and also loving the outfit:D. Sounds like you're smitten!:emoji_blue_heart:
Daughter-in-law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl this evening, 7lb 13.5oz and absolutely perfect:emoji_blue_heart: Remember the days when the prospective grandparents didn't even know labour had started till after the baby was born? We had updates on WhatsApp throughout the day... I feel absolutely exhausted now!!
Congrats, JudyN. An exciting time for you all. Lots of knitting?
I was stuck for a name for the boat. Thank you!

It is a good name for a boat, isn't it?! :)

Sadly, my dodgy shoulders won't let me knit:( It's a shame, I used to really enjoy it. But hey, there's worse things in life than not being able to knit!

Lydia (apparently the Rose is optional) has had mild jaundice and a slight infection so is still in hospital, but DS2 has just told he her bloods are all clear now and she should come home later today after her final antibiotics. They only live 2 miles away so fingers crossed, we'll get to meet her this evening :)
So @JudyN have you met the beautiful Lydia Rose yet? Hope she's all settled at home now:)
So @JudyN have you met the beautiful Lydia Rose yet? Hope she's all settled at home now:)

Oh yes, and she is absolutely beautiful - not that I'm biased in any way of course! She also seems to be an easy baby, content between feeds. Though if they let her get too hungry, she will fret so much she can't settle to feed easily, making her fret more... It's interesting, DIL is actually feeding her on schedule every 2 hours in the night, setting the alarm to wake upo_O I was gobsmacked, but if she does this, they can have a nice quiet feed and get back to sleep. She tried leaving it for 3 hours last night but was then back to the fretful/can't feed pattern. DS2, bless him, feels he has to get up as well to support DIL, make toast and so on. I'm not sure how long he'll keep that up for though! I always preferred it if Mr N got a good night's sleep, so I could be really crabby with him the next day without feeling guilty.

I'm looking forward to trying some positive training on her. Mr N tells me I'm not allowed to clicker train her though...
Mr N tells me I'm not allowed to clicker train her though...
Ah what a spoil sport!:D My daughter did really well with 'sit', 'stay', 'come' etc, used to be really funny if we were out and I'd tell Jake to sit and daughters bum used to hit the floor at same time:D:D:D
Glad to hear all is well:)
Having a baby is like having a puppy in many ways...

'Mum, when you come and visit, could you pick up some carpet cleaner on the way?'
'Is this something to do with the projectile poos DIL mentioned yesterday?'


DIL is thinking about getting a dog some time in the future - not until Lydia, and her little brother/sister who they hope to have at some time, are old enough to be trusted (under supervision of course). So I reckon that gives her about 7 years to persuade DS2 (who gave her a choice between having a baby or a dog, but not both), and I have 7 years to persuade her she wants a sighthound!
Jasper met Lydia today :) We met outside, but the timing was such that we had just come back for a walk, and I don't think he registered that there was a 'something' in the pram. When we were in, he didn't seem to notice L even when she made little squeaky baby noises. But when she started fretting and DS2 lifted her out of the carry-cot (DIL had popped upstairs for a nap!), he got very interested, and very anxious, so....


He was particularly anxious when I held her. I wonder what causes these reactions? Was he anxious because L seemed distressed while her bottle was being warmed? (DIL is breastfeeding, but also expresses milk so DS2 can do his bit). Why was he more anxious when I held her - jealousy? But he's never seemed jealous when I've made a fuss of puppies.

Chances are, he'd have been more settled if we let him come right over and have a good sniff, but this being Jasper, we weren't taking any chances.

She really is a lovely baby:) Yes, she's up a lot in the night, but as long as she's topped up, she's very content and easy, and they are very happy :)
I suspect the squeaky noises then more distressed noises sounded like prey - then you took the prey out of its cage and fiddled with it as if you were going to kill it but while making kind noises.

I like your protective barrier - really good - wish more people were as thoughtful.

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