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This past few days have been very tiring.As Blondy was due to pup on thursday past.Began taking her temperature on thursday morning,and kept her with me in the house since then.On seveal occasions throughout the day,things looked to be progressing somewhat.With various bouts of heavy panting.Only to find that her temperature was still over 101.This went on,through thursday night,and all day friday.I was even sleeping on the floor with her,being constantly awakened by her fidgeting about,and having the odd wee bout of panting.Had the vet on standby too.Just in case.Saturday came and her temperature was down to 98.7.This was it,i thought.Puppies coming today.The panting and uneasyness became more and more apparent.But there was no signs of her moving into the 2nd stage of labour,and begin contracting.Saturday night came,and what a long night that was.By this time,id missed out on 2 nights of sleep,and was feeling realy knackered.Sunday morning came.But still no signs of contractions.This was 3 nights sleep missed,and her temperature had risen slightly again,to 99.Had Oxytosin on hand in the case that it would be needed,further along the ine,if she,like a lot of bitches,took a lazy spell,in the latter part of birth.Or if there were any afterbirths not accounted for.For anyone who knows nothing about Oxytosin.It's what sends the message to the brain,that puppy wants a bit of fresh air,so get moving.In other words.It forses a message through to the brain,that the bitch must push,and when it's administered (in a very small dose),say half a ml.As it would be dangerous to give too much.Then the contractions will start up again,only mare forcefull than normal,and whatever is in there,is coming out.Id done a couple of internals.But didnt think she was ready for the pushing stage just yet.She was getting more and more restless on Sunday,and wanting out to her whelping box.When i took her out .It was about 2.30 pm.She got tore into everything she could rip at.Even the wooden framing of the shed.2,then 3 hours passed,and still no pushing.The only time a vet should be required,is if a bitch has been straining for too long,say 2 hours,and cant produce the pup.Other than that,there's not much you can do.So it was a waiting game,and i waited.And waited.Then i phoned the vet,and something i hadn't seen in a bitch,for years,was taking place.She was stuck in the 1st stage of labour,and didn't want to move into 2nd gear,so to speak.Then i did another internal,and she was well dilated.Wanted to give her a 1/2 ml of Oxytosin at this stage.But i rang the vet,to see what he thought.Works on cows sheep,so why not,he said.Long as she's dilated enough.Within 3 minutes,she was pushing,and within another 3,the pup appeared at her vagina.Hadn't even the time,which was 1.01 am,Sunday morning writen down for the 1st birth,or the puppy draed,when number 2 was sticking his wee head round the corner.Over the next few hours,and another 1/2 ml of the magic potion,and we had 3 more.Blondy slept for a couple of hours after that.But looked like she was still holding 1 or 2 back for later.Was talking to my vet a few times,as he was interested in what was happening,but didnt want to upset her,unnescesarely.As he was only a couple mile away,he was there if i thought he was needed.Was feeling around her belly,(as we do)to see if i could feel anything.There seemed to be a certain spot,that if i put just enough presure on it.I could feel her giving very light contractions.So i knew there was summit inside,that needed to come out.Waited another hour.But still no sighs of nothing.Then i worried that if this pup didnt show soon,i could lose it.Rang me vet again,who told me to use the last ml of the magic stuff,and if nothing appeared,to bring her into the surgery,as she might need opened.So i did as told,and lo and behold,the contractions started up again.Was slightly shocked,and disapointed at the outcome.But relieved that she had passed what was thought to be her reason for not moving into the 2nd stage of labour.The pup she passed was dead,and not near as big as the rest.It had been dead for a couple of days maybe,and may have been 1st in line or summit,and therefore not moving ar giving off signals that the bitch never recieved.Dont know this for certain though.But what i do know,is that im happy with her 5 puppies,and even more than happy,that i got this pup from her,before big trouble happened.Still havent slept though,as im watching her like a hawk.Just in case.So far so good,and ive had her checked over,and given an antibiotic injection,to help keep her clear of infections.This was an ordeal.But with a happy ending.Hope you enjoy the puppy pix.
Have never seen this before.But puppy number 5 was the owner of it.When taken to the vet.He said we had 2 options.Either take it off.Or break the tail at the joint which was causing the problem,and put a wee splint on it,to keep it straight.Needless to say.He still has his whole tail intact,and doesnt even know what happend.The wee crack of the joing being broken was sort of sickening though.



This is the owner of the now straight tail.















Thats the lot for this week.Will keep this thread updated weekly.Looking forward to getting the splint off the wee lads tail on saturday.To see what it heales up like.Hope you enjoyed these.
WOW! (w00t) good thing you no wat to do. wat a very interesting read. a friend of mine has a dog that you bred and wat a stunner he is! :wub:

AWWWWW! Bless! wat gorgeous pups :wub: and beautifull colours :wub: , i want one. :wub: FAB piccys :thumbsup: !

Keep the piccys coming .and keep us updated on how they are all doing!

hope you manage to get sum sleep. xx
Good luck with pups, Oxtosin is a handy thing. The mum is a lovely colour ;)
WOW! (w00t) good thing you no wat to do. wat a very interesting read. a friend of mine has a dog that you bred and wat a stunner he is! :wub: AWWWWW! Bless! wat gorgeous pups :wub: and beautifull colours :wub: , i want one. :wub: FAB piccys :thumbsup: !

Keep the piccys coming .and keep us updated on how they are all doing!

hope you manage to get sum sleep. xx
Thankyou for the nice comments.Who's youre friend,and i'll know the pup.As im keeping a close eye,on them.Seems they are winning a hell of a lot of stuff.Both in the ring,and up the race track.Just hope these little babies can do the same.
WOW! (w00t) good thing you no wat to do. wat a very interesting read. a friend of mine has a dog that you bred and wat a stunner he is! :wub: AWWWWW! Bless! wat gorgeous pups :wub: and beautifull colours :wub: , i want one. :wub: FAB piccys :thumbsup: !

Keep the piccys coming .and keep us updated on how they are all doing!

hope you manage to get sum sleep. xx
Thankyou for the nice comments.Who's youre friend,and i'll know the pup.As im keeping a close eye,on them.Seems they are winning a hell of a lot of stuff.Both in the ring,and up the race track.Just hope these little babies can do the same.
hi billyboy , my mates are april and bruce with deisel, hes a real cracker :wub:
:) awh the pups are lovely lots of :luck: with them :)
well done you the pups look :wub: it will be interesting to find out how the tail gose. :rant: :thumbsup:
Fab pictures :thumbsup: they look some lovely pups :wub: keep us updated with their progress please :D

Sounds like you've had a hectic and stressful few days! What lovely puppies and mum is absolutely gorgeous, you must be really proud of her.










Thats the lot for this week.Will keep this thread updated weekly.Looking forward to getting the splint off the wee lads tail on saturday.To see what it heales up like.Hope you enjoyed these.
well done billy pups georgeous nice size litter love the brindle most wonder if its another diesel lol how many are ordered billy good luck








Thats the lot for this week.Will keep this thread updated weekly.Looking forward to getting the splint off the wee lads tail on saturday.To see what it heales up like.Hope you enjoyed these.
well done billy pups georgeous nice size litter love the brindle most wonder if its another diesel lol how many are ordered billy good luck
hi billy this diesel mum what lovely pics of the puppies what cracking lot you have got billy i am sure there will do very well look forward to see more pics of the puppies good luck hope you like the pics i sent to you of diesel good luck








Thats the lot for this week.Will keep this thread updated weekly.Looking forward to getting the splint off the wee lads tail on saturday.To see what it heales up like.Hope you enjoyed these.
well done billy pups georgeous nice size litter love the brindle most wonder if its another diesel lol how many are ordered billy good luck
hi billy this diesel mum what lovely pics of the puppies what cracking lot you have got billy i am sure there will do very well look forward to see more pics of the puppies good luck hope you like the pics i sent to you of diesel good luck
Just in from the pups there.So another day gone and so far all's well.So sorry i never got back to you about those wonderful photo's of Diesel.He's turned out to be quite a stunner.Wish i could have been there,to see them all in the flesh.When u were down for youre holiday.Things couldnt have gone better for you all,and i was impressed with all the titles going to my breeding.You have all done me very proud with those pups,and Stern is something else.His litter brother,Archer,is also knocking up quite a few racing championships.So i couldnt have asked for better homes for my 1st 2 litters,since coming back into the racing scene.Thanks so much for the photo's.Talk soon i hope. Billy...
is the bitch called sugarland tina?
Thats her.She did a wrist at 10 months,and was to be PTS.She couldnt take a bend,without hurting,and the wrist kept going,till we sent her down south,to the best man in ireland,at finding,and then telling you you how to treat ,whatever the problem was.In derry,she was rarely ever led to the 1st bend.But couldnt get round the bloody thing,as it was so tight.After we eventualy found how to treat the wrist.She done a few good runs,till it went again.Then after doing a wee sprint on night,she came off pretty lame,after winning in 17.38,on a dirty old night.It never came right again,and she's still lame on it,all the time now.We had some fun with her.So it beat putting her to sleep.She was doin a hell of a run in lifford,1st time there,but died a death,and finnished 3rd.If the wrist hadnt went,she would have won that by 10 lenghts,going by her trials.

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