:( Im so sorry to be reading your update. You have done everything you can and im sure Badger knows how much he is loved by you and your family. I agree with Janice - its the hardest thing to do but its the last act of love and kindness you can do for him. He will let you know when hes had...
(w00t) You could sing really loud and stomp your feet whilst your walking to frighten the bunnies away LOL!!!! (people would probably run away too) :lol: :lol:
:lol: Im laughing cos ive cooked tripe by accident (defrosted for too long in the microwave and cooked it) and boy does it stink!! :x :lol: Mind you, it didnt smell as bad as when i set fire to a liver cake i was making for the dogs - and THAT was in the microwave as well! - It takes...
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