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Recent content by longdog

  1. L

    Help for heroes sporting championships

    Just to let all racers know, the Weyhill Fairare putting on food for the Help for Herors Sporting Champs from breakfast on
  2. L

    Help for heroes sporting championships

    Just a reminder that the closing date is this Sunday although we will take entries into next week. Raffle prizes and group sponsors are very welcome for this great cause !!
  3. L

    Help for heroes sporting championships

    Entry form attached for this years event, kindly hosted by Andover PWRC HFH Charity Entry Form 2016.docx
  4. L

    Disgusting flatulence

    Hi Chris, You might've better to try Red Mills, Gain or something similar to eleviate your problem. We Feed mainly meat and vegetables and don't have a problem with wind, but past experience with Red Mills was fine.
  5. L

    Npwra bend championship

    The NPWRA are pleased to announce that our bend championship will now be Held at the Heart of England PWRC on the 18th of September
  6. L

    Dates for 2016

    As I don't use Facebook does anyone have dates for next year ?
  7. L

    Independent pwrc

    We will be there to trial our pups
  8. L

    Independent bend open

    Thanks to all those who attended the Independent Bend Open today. We had some great racing in a good atmosphere. Thanks also to all those who helped on the day day, with special thanks to Dave Hunter who had prepared the trAck to perfection.
  9. L

    Independent bend open

    The usual caterer will be at the Independent Open this coming Sunday
  10. L

    Independent bend open

    The closing date has been extended, the draw will be done next Sunday
  11. L

    Independent bend open

    Here is the entry form for the Independent Bend Open to be held on 6th September at Cotheridge. Please note the group winners will receive a velvet jacket. Independent entry form.docx
  12. L

    Additional charity open entry form

    We have over 80 dogs enteredanyone who wants to enter can do so today as we are doing the draw later. Pm or texts or ring.
  13. L

    Additional charity open entry form

    Entries close on 14th June but we can accept entries by text, email or phone if needed
  14. L

    Additional charity open entry form

    We have received 36 entries up to today, with entries being taken up to 14th June it looks like we will make the event a success and raise money for a well deserved cause!