Hi - I live in a house with a four year old and would like to find a dog that would be a good fit for such a young child. I'm aware that Dogs Trust, Blue Cross and Jerry Green's all offer temperament testing for their rescues, to include suitability with young children. I'm just wondering if...
Thanks JoanneF - this is useful - I didn't know anything like this existed. I've just had a quick Google and there are lots of links. I was just wondering if there was a particular technique that you might be able to provide a link for? Thanks again!
Thank you for sharing. I have some experience of terriers - and whilst I love them I think I'm wary of bringing one into this household - but will take a closer look. Thanks again!
Thanks for contributing. We're definitely not looking for fashionable but for a dog that is a good fit - and these were the two that our vet suggested. I am torn between a puppy that will grow up knowing my niece and a more 'known' adult dog that may be more resilient. But I'm taking lots of...
Thanks JudyN - probably up to an hour of walking with extra time for training/play etc. I've just tried an online quiz which gave some different suggestions - thanks for the idea!
Hi - we would like to find a dog that would be suitable to live in a house with a lively 4 year old child. A Cockerpoo or a Springador have been recommended by our vet as being robust and good natured, and he recommends getting a puppy that would grow up with the little girl. I have looked at...
Thank you JoanneF and excuseme - diet is one of the areas to be covered by the new behaviourist and feels like a relatively easy step in the right direction...
Thanks for the further replies - I really appreciate everyone taking the trouble to share their thoughts. I can't seem able to identify any reason for the increase in anxiety - except that he has been meds free for a couple of months. I'm wondering if the meds were having some low level benefit...
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