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  • Goodnight Troggy-chops...well sometime soon it will be goodnight anyhow


    love you loads my friend xxx
    I can't be as nosey as i'd like to be anymore trac, if you know what i mean. sob sob!!! i'd hot myself up lol
    Hi trac, your not letting the dogs off the leads and free running are you? cause they mght get injured because of the ground being so hard with the cold xxx
    aw poor trac buggered laptop and only four stars not your day is it tried again but your only meant for four
    Afternoon trac, we had some snow in the night not much its gone now but it's bloody cold here. x
    MORNING TRAC, i'm an early bird today lol. got dragged out of bed by elliott had to jump start his van. it's bloody frezzing out there especially when your stood out in the street in your pj's lol
    hey got your pm, my internets getting turned of tomoz for a few weeks :( :( so won be able to chat with the girls for a while.

    I'm getting the hang of this new system now, thanks to you trac xxx your a good friend x
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