Well that is great that you are researching before getting a dog! Not many people do and they can make a huge mistake. Welcome to the forum if you need any help please ask :)
I haven't experienced this with my own dogs but when we would get dogs in at work with leaking bladders we would do bloods and urinalysis to determine the problem. We would normally use antibiotics but if this hasn't solved it then me do ask for owners to bring the dogs back and we would do...
We are currently in Spain, we used a spot on in the UK and then came to a supermarket over here and bought Olive a collar they do look awful brown and smells awful but she has the collar for leishmaniosis because that would be awful if any of the dogs were to get it. Don't worry Doris had a spot...
I'm sorry Josie that I didn't see this sooner but being on holiday its hard to gain time for WIFI, I would have said go to the vets, as you have done and they said about dog dementia i have a link that may be helpful Recognizing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction | petMD
If you don't have Dennis in a...
(I'm not a behaviourist just a dog owner*) This is a sensitive topic, so I'm going to try and explain as best as i can for what to do from here onwards. So from your post you say you allow people in the garden and the dog is fine with it. You could stop people going in the garden, your lab could...
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