John O`Conner at North Ockendon.
Sorry cant find Phone number.
Take the 127 to Southend turn off at Warley
Do right at top
Left at Miny roundabout
Up hill first right.
Ockendon complex on right.
Enter turn right
Vets on left 20 yards
A very late reply....sorry
This was not once so but is now
Any greyhound that has an ear tattoo will be accepted by the RGT for rehoming even if it has never raced in England.
It seems this was a new law was brought in in 1997.
Think before that you had to be a licensed Slaughterman.
Looks like he did do nothing illegal so will not be prosecuted.
Do hope that he names the trainers who sent him the dogs.
Long term supporters of ours will know that this early part of the year is always a critical time for our Charity.
The end of the hunting season in Spain in January is dreaded by all of us involved in the field of rescuing galgos in Spain, as literally thousands are...
On a serious point ignoring my last post
There could be serious problems between the Racing people and the Anties.
From past experiance on other sites its ends up with people being banned for one view or the other.
This greyhound was found by a member of the public. His ears had been very crudely hacked off - perhaps to remove the identifying tattoo. The Irish Greyhound Board was brought in to investigate this case. Fionn has been seen to by a vet, and is safe and doing well.
Irish Greyhound Board (IGB)...
Have just had to register again for the third time under the same handle.
Went to log on yesterday and got the message that their was no member called Galty this has happened before so I registered under Galty and was accepeted.
Are members auto deleted if they dont post over a set period.
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