Had the Fat Controller on phone last night seems it was not a mini stroke but something thats to do with inside his ears-- more test today if all clear will be on his way home --
I told him about all the good wishes on here and he will no doubt comment on his return home
I am sure Albert /Greta wont mind me saying this but-- Its the Pitts was not much good on the straights as a young dog--but absolutely brilliant bend racing --but as he got older seemed when in his veteran years to get better on straights--
What great news Albert/ Greta with a bitch ---
Best of Luck your lovely people ---- :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Steve/Karen/Harry--and FLUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must agree with this - have always said so-Lots and lots of hours of hard work[/b] /weight/walking/running free/bike work /ball play /feeding /knowing your own dog and how to train it/this is the secret to success coupled with a little bit of luck on the day-with the conditions that suit...
Pity ---Harold Olliphant is no longer with us --the old racers will remember ---OLI,S miracle rub --
He had some great dogs in his time/Yellow Rose /Sportsman/to name just two--
same time as Danny Kirkby-no drugs then --just lots of fun
had a great bitch Called SPIKE--these were running same...
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