i wouldnt personally pay any more than £450 for a pup, its my personal opinion on what we as a family can afford,
all 3 off ours were different amounts, starting from £200 but to be honest for a family pet point of view the amount paid would make no difference to them,
from a racing/coursing...
really interesting topic :thumbsup:
we do coursing most sundays with the dogs,
my OH is into tech and gadgets, hes forever buying broken laptops, mobiles whatever and fixing them, i like baking and am very slowly learning pole dancing.
like most else have said would love a caravan havnt had...
lamb ribs a few times a week does it for my lot, only thing is they are really fatty so if they are not used to them you can end up with mega trots!! :x :x :x
i find chicken wings help with any runnyness, so my lot get a couple late afternoon ish :)
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
best thing we ever bought, and ebay is dirt cheap, or try your gumtree, you will probabily get a second hand one from there, (but at around the same ebay price)
for anyone whos interested all the photos are on facebook in these 2 albums, hope iv posted the lincs right :wacko:
Main Winner Sarah and Bobs winterfell??? Faith
runner up Eve's Toddy
Purse winner, My Ruby
Purse Runner up, Nicky's Alice
Puppy Dash went to the super fast David
we got ours from Rod Grunt on here,
its amazing!!
we used it on sunday for 16 dog lure coursing, lasted the whole day no problems, didnt even need a back up battery :thumbsup:
poor toddy, it does look sore :(
i would be tempted to try just keeping it clean and see how it goes, lavander oil is suppose to be good for healing :b
im sure someone else will be able to give you better advice,
i hope toddy is ok :huggles:
aw janis they are gorgeous, esspecially like b+w girly no1, with her ears with little white tips :wub: :wub:
Roxy just looks gorgeous as ever :huggles:
yes its on the 18th of july its a 16 dog stake and all the places are full, i think we even have a couple of reserves :b
it should be a really good day lots to do, birds of prey, archery and im even lead to believe that for the young at heart their will be hobby horse making (w00t)
its also...
oh janis they are gorgeous, and if they turn out anything like ruby and star they will be fantastic :wub: :wub:
if we wernt at full capacity i would be dragging paul down to see them (w00t)
girlie in the middle or the b/w boy :wub: :wub:
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