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  1. C

    Help Please! "whippets Don't Sit" ??? And Training &

    I was told about the sitting when we had our greyhound and it is a load of rubbish Of course they sit ...... Ian thinks some people think that as racing greyhounds are not taught too.... we had Jacques at 4 years and he didn't know and had to be taught. Sid and Ben as you can see, didn't need...
  2. C

    A Nice Surprise For A Saturday Morning!

    Aw what great photos... you gotta love blue boys :wub:
  3. C

    Stan And Bluebell Rejoin The Forum!

    Looking forward to seeing photos of Bluebell and Stan Jr :thumbsup:
  4. C

    Stan And Bluebell Rejoin The Forum!

    Hiya Adam, how are you all keeping? so good to hear from you and hear about Stan Jr and Bluebell :wub: :wub: Ben is great, as batty as ever but he is such a loving and cuddly boy. Will post some photos of him for you. He is going proper grey around his mouth now :b
  5. C

    Our Girls Our 3 Today!!happy Birthday Girls

    Oooh no I didn't will go and look ;)
  6. C

    Best Friends

    Lovely photos :wub:
  7. C

    Taran And His New Best Friend

    WOW hasn't he grown up :wub: Such a gorgeous face Aw, it is good that little Tolly isn't far away xxx
  8. C

    Our Girls Our 3 Today!!happy Birthday Girls

    :clown: Happy Birthday Auntie Flo and Auntie Violet :clown: Ben is sooooo looking forward to his birthday on the 23rd :clown: Can't believe that the Wiggy litter will be 2 :wub:
  9. C

    More Poppy Pics

    LOL she is such a gorgeous girlie :wub: full of beans :D
  10. C

    More Poppy Pics

    Oh my word.... lily looks so big next to Poppy :o Gorgeous though all of them :wub:
  11. C

    Introducing Poppy

    Awww Nicky she is such a gorgeous girl :wub: looks like she is settling in really well xxxx
  12. C

    Gardener For Hire Goes By The Name Of Mac !!

    Wow Trace, send him down to me for the weekend as we have footings to dig for the wall :lol: Sidney just lays in the sun and Ben starts to dig holes, finds a bug of some sort and off he goes playing with that..... you just can't get the work force now a days :lol:
  13. C

    Caught The Girls Together.

    Gorgeous photos Ann :wub: :wub: :wub:
  14. C

    Rip Woody

    I am so so sorry to hear of your loss :( xxxxx
  15. C

    Pics Of Milo

    If I didn't know any different, looking at his colour and white flash I'd of thought he was related to our little fruit loops :b We are all great .. Ben sends his love xxxx
  16. C

    Horrid Habit Any Advice

    he is gorgeous :wub: very much like my Ben and his sister Helen who are also Whippet X Italian Greyhounds :wub: :wub:
  17. C

    Check Out The Luggs On Her

    PMSL love those ears... she is such a cute little critter :wub:
  18. C

    Not Long Now

    Oh heck, here I was so excited to see how you got on and to finally see little Poppy and now I have had the wind taken out of my sails :( So is it tomorrow???? (Tuesday) I don't know how I am going to contain myself :wacko:
  19. C

    Pics Of Milo

    I was about to say the same thing Donna... that pose of bum in the air is very Ben in the mornings :lol:
  20. C

    Not Long Now

    Aw Nicky how exciting... so great too for Lily to have someone her size to play with as well and also for Tia to mother :wub: Fabulous name and such a wonderful idea :huggles: