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  1. J

    2 Year Old Whippet Can't Stay Home Alone

    Another suggestion is to crate train your dog. This gives him a 'safe place' of his own and prevents the destruction that one reply talks about. Whippets tho' are very social dogs......... that's why most of us have more than one............ and if on their own they use their humans as their...
  2. J

    Strange Behaviour?

    poor wee love! It sounds to me as if she has been upset by something about the clipping. She is staying in the one place she feels safe...her bed. You should have been told if anything untoward had happened while she was away from you. Obviously that has not happened. Take things gently with...
  3. J

    Happy Birthday Mandy

    Happy Birthday, Mandy! Derek you don't look young enough to have been married for 28 years!!!
  4. J

    Gazza's A Daddy

    Derek & Mandy the pups are beautiful!!! Gazza does it again!!
  5. J

    Spey Or Not To Spey

    As the breeder of this bitch I have advised Donna against spaying at such an early stage. I do not agree with the practice. I feel vets are again thinking about their pockets, not the welfare of the dog. The hormone balance of the bitch must be allowed to develop naturally. I have first hand...
  6. J

    Dog Toileting Issues

    Can't really add anything to what has been said except that my young bitch will not perform when on the lead unless she is absolutely, absolutely BURSTING! :luck:
  7. J

    Hi ~ Newbie Here.

    Hi and welcome! You've made a good choice, you will get loads of pleasure from your new Whippet. :luck:
  8. J

    Callista Replaced

    Wow she really loves that! :D The stuffing will make a lovely mess. :- "
  9. J

    Morgan's Tumour

    I've just caught up with this thread and Fiona I'm so pleased that everything has worked out well for Morgan. :D
  10. J

    Idea For The Donation Money

    I agree with Wild Whppets esp about the management of the fund as I would hate for it to become a source of disagrement amoung K9ers.
  11. J

    R I P Tilly

    Mally, I'm gutted for you. Only the good die young.
  12. J

    A Set Of Large Racing Jacket (set Of 5)

    It was one set! Connection was slow & when I refreshed the original went too! Are we still on?
  13. J

    Tlliy Spotted

    Oh Mally I really hoped it was Tilly. Don't know what to say. In the midst of all this you are thinking about this other dog as well. What a kind heart you have! Good luck on all fronts. :luck: :huggles:
  14. J

    A Set Of Large Racing Jacket (set Of 5)

    Kim I'll give you £20 for a set of racing jackets......... only need 4.
  15. J

    A Set Of Large Racing Jacket (set Of 5)

    Kim I'll give you £20 for a set of racing jackets......... only need 4.
  16. J

    Find A Bitch

    Thank goodness that Sam is a Poo of such little brain that it's not effected him. :blink:
  17. J

    Whippet Toilet Problem

    I'd ignore the fact that it's there and clean up without a word. I would tho' consider changing the sleeping arrangements. What about making her a nice comfy bed in a crate? Walk her last thing as usual and then tuck her up for the night. :luck: Just had another thought...................train...
  18. J

    Whippet Male Pup For Sale

    Poor wee boy. The breeder really should be taking him back. I wish there was a way to stop people like this owner getting dogs and then getting rid of them after a short while. Could we name and shame??
  19. J

    Lovely Puppies For Sale

    I agree jok. For someone who is not buying she's doing an awful lot of looking! :- "
  20. J

    Tlliy Spotted

    My stomach is in a knot reading this! Hope it is her and that she's caught quickly. :luck: