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  1. F

    Anyone Know About This..

    There's more details here. Sadly there seems to be a constant stream of this kind of story in the local papers here. A couple of months ago on the same estate there was a spate of incidents where sick morons set dogs, apparently lurchers, onto cats which had been trapped in a phone box :rant...
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    Ben & Rufus At The Beach

    Thanks all They sure did. The pair of them are nuts for the beach, Ben always tries to herd me down there when we walk on the prom, especially when I've got my good trainers on (w00t) . I'm extra pleased with both of them this weekend. Ben's gone from just paddling in the sea to proper...
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    Ben & Rufus At The Beach

    This evening I decided to take both Rufus & Ben to the beach at the same time. I was a bit worried about Ben knocking into Rufus at high speed, but I needn't have worried. Ben was alot less rough than at home :) , just sniffed around and let Rufus chase him a bit We met a laid back GSD who...
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    Rufus At The Beach

    Thanks for putting the pics on Jennie, Simba looks like a great dog :) You're right about him being chunkier, his back end's got more of a curve than an ordinary Pharaoh, he's probably faster too :thumbsup: Out of curiosity, did he inherit the ability to blush? Yep, he's thriving on a diet...
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    Rufus At The Beach

    Apart from the retriever man the only person to come right out with Pharaoh hound was a bloke with a beddie in April and he was referring to Ben :wacko: Apart from the sticky up ears (which don't curl at the tips like a Pharaoh) and possibly the shape of his muzzle he's nothing like! I...
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    Rufus At The Beach

    The breed standard says 22"- 25", so yes he's got a bit to go yet :D . He grew 3" in two weeks a couple of weeks ago :o but he's slowed right down in the vertical. He's chunked up a little since then, doesn't look quite so gangly. I wish I could get him to go down the stairs though (quite...
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    William's Walk

    I think Rufus the Pharaoh could do with a sign sometimes too. A few times walking through town kids have asked their parents "what is it?" within earshot. On the way to the vets last month a small girl asked me "is it a dog?". No idea what else she thought he might be :blink:
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    Rufus At The Beach

    He gets showered with complements and attention when we're out, as opposed to the sideways glances I get with Ben :blink: . It's mostly collies, labs, staffies etc round here so he stands out a mile. It's all good socialization for him, though he seems more interested in people than other...
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    Rufus At The Beach

    I took Rufus down to the beach this morning, not for the first time but this time I remembered the camera :- " . He had a look at the water bit of a sniff He went in and wet his toes but was soon chased away by a wave :D He lost interest in the water after that and ran around like a...
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    One Legged Kangaroo...

    :blink: (w00t)
  11. F

    Genie's First Trip Out.....

    Genie's looking good, with the tail and the ears he's almost too cute :p You're lucky to have an empty beach. The normally empty beach here has had people on it for weeks :angry: , causing the seagulls to hang out on the water more, where Ben can't chase them :( . Roll on September. P.S...
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    Puppy Walking Hell!

    I'm quite surprised by how well he moves, especially considering his paws are several sizes too big. His running however is pure comedy in motion. Dave.
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    Puppy Walking Hell!

    That's good to hear :D . He's growing like a weed, 17 inches last time I measured him, the sooner I can stop carrying him the better it'll be for my scrawny arms (w00t) . Dave.
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    Puppy Walking Hell!

    Thanks all for the advice :thumbsup: , you've all been very helpful and we seem to have made progress in a surprisingly short time. For the last 3 days I've taken Rufus out to a nearby quietish grassy area. Since I don't drive i've had to carry him there. Don't know if that's gonna cause any...
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    Puppy Walking Hell!

    Thanks Millie, I havn't tried a harness, mainly because it'll be a fight to get one on him!! Could be worth a go if it'll get him out & about :) .
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    Puppy Walking Hell!

    Rufus is now fully vaccinated and ready to go out into the world :D There are, however, a couple of problems. Once I've got his lead on (an art in itself) he sits and refuses to budge an inch. No amount of coaxing with treats, toys or talking in an excited way will budge him. With no lead on...
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    The Art Of Stealth!

    Had to add this pic I've just taken. It seems Rufus has discovered flight (w00t) What is it with dogs and deflated footballs :blink: Dave.
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    Welcome to K9 Jennie & Simba :cheers: Pharaoh hound x pit bull is a pretty unique combination, love the ears (my weak spot!) Looking forward to more pics :D
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    The Art Of Stealth!

    -_- The trouble with the big ears they keep moving out of shot when I try close in shots! Dave.
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    The Art Of Stealth!

    I think Ben agrees with that :lol: :o I'm chuffed to bits that they're getting on now, they had me worried for a bit. They were both all snarls and biting most of their waking hours... actually they still are but it seems less edgy and alot more playful now :) Plus they've started...