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  1. G

    Puppies Need Names!!

    Sara! you are amazing. (well you and google!!) I now have all names.. ones i really REALLY like.. and reserves! puppy kisses all round!!
  2. G

    Puppies Need Names!!

    haha *blush* i am not a big drinker hence having no idea about cocktails! But that as a fab idea.. may leave "sex on the beach" and "slow comfortable screw" off the list though!
  3. G

    Puppies Need Names!!

    I know what you mean! Just struggling. Then again.. a theme is a good idea.
  4. G

    Puppies Need Names!!

    KC names!! Hence the link to the ped page! We have the Kennel name Newford.
  5. G

    Puppies Need Names!!

    We have 10 dobe puppys... and only 2 have names!! has a basic ped.. pictures and all that shiz!! Give me some suggestions!!! 5 boys and 5 girls.. 2 girls have names!!
  6. G


    She was fine.... just first time mum me having a panic! Spiked a temp given antibiotics and then all fine. Next time we take her to the vets after whelping for her shot. Although going to start a new thread now... i need names!!
  7. G


    hehe they are rather cute! not sure if i am looking forward to when they are a little more mobile!! What gets me is one of the breeders on this other site was so proud about announcing her upcoming litter i had a look, she was breeding 2 dogs which were both carriers for VwD syndrome which can...
  8. G


    haha I know! I was personally hoping for a couple of browns as the sire has it in his lines but black and tan prevailed! We now have then all with little braided collars on so we can keep tabs on whos who and keep weight records as we have 2 that are trailing behind a little. I used to love...
  9. G


    Havent been posting on here for a while as magically Poppy has decided to behave her self! No more accidents and generally a lovely little dog. She has definatly found her forever home with us... although its become a running joke now to try to off load one of the 15 dogs we have to anyone we...
  10. G

    Best Way To Excercise A Doberman..

    haha They love to play.. we chuck a ball.. she goes after it.. then for 20 mins they are tearing round the fields and garden after her trying to keep up!! so funny to watch as shes so graceful and fast and then we have 2 blundering dopeys after her! My father passed away 3 weeks ago and i...
  11. G

    Best Way To Excercise A Doberman..

    Give them a whippet to play with! No one has come to claim our stray yet and its looking more and more like we are going to end up with her. I think its safe to say she has found a home with us.. we also have 2 huskies who adore her too. When all of them are in the house it just...
  12. G

    Ok.. So It Looks Like We Have A Whippet

    oh god! puppies.. *weeps* My poor house..!!!! Yup.. tried to take her to the vets today but they were solid. Will take her on Monday. She seems in no pain and its not like her pee is red its more like shes passing clots. Her lady parts dont seem swollen or looks like she may be in heat so no...
  13. G

    Multi Dog Households

    We have 5... 2 Dobermans, 2 Huskies and a whippet. They all go out for a run at least once a day and walked most days. I can singly handedly walk all 5 but its a challenge. I always walk them at times of day where others arnt about. The huskies are on leads dragging me along and the other 3...
  14. G

    Ok.. So It Looks Like We Have A Whippet

    One thing to add.. The first night she was with us she pee'd on the carpet. In the pee there was some blood. since then we didnt see any more in other puddles on the carpet but today when i took her out she pee'd and saw blood coming out. I will take her to the vet tomorrow once i get back...
  15. G

    Found: Whippet Brindle Bitch

    nae worries about my dad. my sister is only 18 and she is struggling with it all. Finalised all the funeral arrangements today. My dad loved dogs and he would have loved to meet her. :( took her to my old work today (i used to be a nanny) and she was fantastic with the kids! And yus.. my...
  16. G

    Found: Whippet Brindle Bitch

    Oh a massive part will be sad to see her go. My Father died of a sudden heart attack on tuesday and she hasn't left my side. Like a shadow you can trip up over.
  17. G

    Ok.. So It Looks Like We Have A Whippet

    Some may have seen that i posted up a found add for a found dog. At present no one has come forward for her so we are still looking after her untill someone does.. or till the warden signs her over to us. We currently have 2 Huskies, 2 Dobermans, 2 cats and a certification of insanity! The...
  18. G

    Found: Whippet Brindle Bitch

    Just bumping this to the top. Still have her. Awaiting the Warden to come visit to give us the all clear to keep hold of her till her owner comes forward. I dont think she would do well in a kennel environment considering how good she is at home. Edit: also.. ok.. so if she is going to be...
  19. G

    Found: Whippet Brindle Bitch

    We have contacted the local dog warden and the vet said her details will be passed around to all the local surgeries. If i get time tomorrow i will go back to the area she was found in and knock on a few doors .. although i am surprised no one has come looking for her yet. If any of ours went...
  20. G

    Found: Whippet Brindle Bitch

    Location: Sandy Lane, Bracknell, Berkshire. Time: 11:30pm Took the dog to the vets this morning, seems to be in good health, about 3 yrs old apparently. Brindle bitch, initial guess by vets is shes not spayed. 13.5kgs found with no collar, no tags, no tatoos. Scanned for ID chip and none...