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  1. J

    The Birthday Bunch, Baby's First Christmas

    Lovely pics, Monty is a little cracker. :wub: :wub: It's so sad when a part of your family is missing at Christmas, it takes time to get used to it, not that you ever forget them. :huggles: I haven't forgotten the pic of Grandad, just haven't had a chance to get over to take one! :teehee:
  2. J

    Elderly Lurcher Desperatley Needs New Home

    Annie and Whiz were quite confused when they came to me, but now they have settled in they are several years younger than their 13 and 14 years of age. Would it be possible for her to be seen by a vet over the next few days? She could blossom if she finds a nice quiet home.
  3. J

    Puppies 1st Christmas

    What a wonderful 1st Christmas for you all! They soon got the hang of pressie opening. :lol: :lol: Have I missed something (I am a little busy with my terrible 2 at the moment) but weren't we awaiting an announcement from someone on k9?? :- "
  4. J

    Elderly Lurcher Desperatley Needs New Home

    Have you thought of putting her on the oldies site, it's dedicated to them and is really helpful in finding homes. feefee should also be able to offer some more suggestions, try pming her. Good luck :luck: :luck: , they have so much to give and your girl sounds a real...
  5. J

    Santa Baby!

    Oh, that little face :wub: :wub: , let her open just one tonight, she will be so pleased!! :huggles: :huggles:
  6. J

    Cat Killers At 8 Weeks!!

    Do you think Sky will be safe?
  7. J

    Cat Killers At 8 Weeks!!

    The terrible 2, Louie and Merlin didn't take long to settle in, they killed the cat, cuddled up with it and then moved in with Sky, I hope she's safe!!
  8. J

    Yet More Foster Whippies

    3 whippet puppies arrived in rescue today, the little girl has gone straight to her lovely new home, they have been waiting for a long time for the right addition to their family, the boys have come to me for the time being, they will go to new homes after Christmas!! So now we have my Lab X...
  9. J

    Silly Muppet Question Coming In

    Brodie, my 9year old neutered Lab X has always hated other males - without exception :angry: , I could only foster buitches because of this - but - he is fine o:) with all the whippet dogs he has met, neutered or not! He even cuddles up with old Whiz :huggles: , and Brodie isn't a...
  10. J

    Cannot Keep The Secret.........

    I still love Stella's colouring, but on the pics Rita is looking nice and Solange looks very elegant and balanced for such a baby, she would be my choice - at this point in time - and from pics!! You got a very beautiful litter Lida, well done on your choice of sire!! :cheers:
  11. J

    Merry Christmas From The Chelynnah Whippets

    :wub: :wub: Lovely Christmassy pics. :wub: Happy Christmas to you all
  12. J

    Litter Registration Problems

    I'm so pleased that all is resolved - and after all - A DOG IS FOR LIFE, NOT JUST FOR CHRISTMAS!! so you have got the best result by far!! Have a very Happy Christmas.
  13. J

    Mistletoe Action...

    :wub: :wub: That's love :wub: :wub:
  14. J

    Ellie's Brag

    :cheers: Congrats to Vanna and Ellie :cheers:
  15. J

    When There's Not Enough Lap...

    It's a whippet "butty" (w00t) Lovely pics :huggles: :huggles:
  16. J

    Beetle's Brag

    :cheers: :cheers: Congratulations to Beetle and Liz :cheers: :cheers:
  17. J

    Aren't Whippets Clever

    Bitch - Brains - Beauty - need we say more! :lol: :lol:
  18. J

    Musky And Molly Go To The Fields

    How lovely to see the oldies enjoying themselves so much. They both look so well - and happy! Congrats on being a failed fosterer, it's a failure to be proud of :thumbsup: I keep forgetting to take my camera with me (I have my hands full with 6 leads!) but I will post some pics of Whiz and...
  19. J

    Cannot Keep The Secret.........

    What a difficult choice - Stella :wub: :wub: really catches my eye but Solange :wub: :wub: is beautiful too! I think it's brilliant that you have until February to make your final selection - it should be easier by then (fingers crossed!!) :thumbsup: :- "
  20. J

    Made Me Smile

    Thats a Labrador for you!! I have never known another breed that love their tummies quite so much :lol: :lol: Whippets are just mischievous little tea leaves by comparrison :huggles: