where to begin.. well, when we arranged the mating it was agreed that we'd see how many, what sex etc amber had before either paying the fee or giving a pup as payment, and that the co-owners would come over to view the pups and decide. since then one of the owners has been impossible to contact to arrange the matter. having spoken to the other it transpires that this man has the royal hump about NOT having been contacted [despite myself having called every week to arrange to pay him, giving his wife updates on the litter and asking for him to return my calls] anyway, the other co-owner is quite happy whenever we pay and however we pay and willing to sign the green slip, but without both signatures we can't register the litter, and it would appear that hell will freeze over before we get both in his current frame of mind
what options do we have? can we go to court to obtain dna to prove paternity? i'm at a total loss as to where we stand and what solutions are available.
i'm absolutely furious. I have a beautiful litter of peds here that can't be sold as peds, and i'll be damned if i'll let them go as non peds, i'd rather keep them all.
anyhow, the one is going to try to talk to the other over the weekend, and if he can't he's going to go to his house on monday to try to get him to sign, even if he won't come here, then come here himself to pick up the bloody money. otherwise I guess i'm screwed, unless you guys can help?
what options do we have? can we go to court to obtain dna to prove paternity? i'm at a total loss as to where we stand and what solutions are available.
i'm absolutely furious. I have a beautiful litter of peds here that can't be sold as peds, and i'll be damned if i'll let them go as non peds, i'd rather keep them all.
anyhow, the one is going to try to talk to the other over the weekend, and if he can't he's going to go to his house on monday to try to get him to sign, even if he won't come here, then come here himself to pick up the bloody money. otherwise I guess i'm screwed, unless you guys can help?