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  1. J

    Can Anyone Give Any Advice Please?

    Also try, On the motor there should be what looks like two bigish cross head screws, underneath those are what looks like black carbon sticks being held in with springs, these may need cleaning and also where these rub on a copper looking part may also needs cleaning. both should clean up with...
  2. J


    :thumbsup: £££££££ another nice earner, will need a bigger bank soon at this rate, cheera
  3. J

    Very Sad News-lou Fowler Had Passed Away

    Could not really believe this awful news. Phil and family must be gutted, so sorry.
  4. J


    Cheers, another nice little earner, thank you.
  5. J


    If he or she is a decent conditional rider will have a few bob on it, may be worth a decent each way bet depending on the price, thanks for the info and hope it is as good as the last one, but all please remember, only bet what you can afford to loose.
  6. J


    Sorry you missed a decent day Steve, also decent company, Alberts ran very well as per normal, some good racing and a nice track also. well done to the organisers and the workers. Should have more meetings at this track.
  7. J

    Lynn Dudek

    Hope you have had a good one, I suppose a ---- is out of the question, if so then sister will be welcome, Love and all the best, John M
  8. J


    Cheers for the info, a very nice return at 7/2 early price, keep it up friggsy
  9. J

    Xmas Meeting

    Saturday or Sunday'? Ladies please,
  10. J

    Happy Birthday

    Hope that you have had a good day Ash and that you have all that you have wished for, see you soon i hope, :) ;)
  11. J

    Paulne Wright

    Very sad for Ken and Family, R I P Pauline
  12. J

    Happy Birthday Jj

    A youngster compared to you Syko, mind she will still be better looking even at her age, all the best to J J.
  13. J

    Xmas Meeting

    Well done chris, sounds like a good day now the pub will be open.
  14. J

    Andy Pattinson

    Sorry to hear of his passing, a true gent, condolences to Molly.
  15. J

    Highgate Wrc

    Geoff, can you book in XBECKS at 19 lb and XFACTOR at 25 lb for Ron Please, Mine are on the sick and injured list so i am having a few days away, all the best for the club night. John M
  16. J

    Sad Passing Away Of Joe Robinson

    A good man to chat with and listen to his wit and outlook on life in general, such sad news for all who new him. Rip Joe
  17. J

    Photos From Highgate 26-09-09

    Glad to see the dog is more photogenic than yours truly, enjoyed the night with good company and plenty of laughs also, Hope all goes well for the lancaster mob, including Mr Boyd.
  18. J

    Highgate Wrc

    Fiddles sinatra 26 lb please geoff for Saturday evening. thanks.
  19. J

    Highgate Wrc

    Should be back from hols Geoff, put me down for two dogs please, see what they weigh after the clotted cream, cheers
  20. J

    Jane Madgwick

    Going the right way at long last, best of luck to Jane and Bert and the Family