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  1. J

    Birthday Boy

    Thank you for those few kind words Steve, Macko agree's with you
  2. J

    Birthday Boy

    Exspell The Bitch has reached the grand old age of fourteen today, he still has a run everyday whilst out although the rabbits seem a little faster than they were a few years ago. He has been a wonderful all round dog and since he finished racing he made a great pet dog. Minus a few teeth...
  3. J

    Happy Birthday Ella

    All the best to Ella and all of your dogs Jak :cheers: :luck:
  4. J

    One For The Ladies

    The BWRA and the NNWRF have decided to cancel their joint nativity play, a spokesman said that this was because after all the searching throughout the whippet racing world, three wise men could not be found. :clown: :- " (w00t)
  5. J

    Happy 60th Birthday

    Thanks to all who have wished me a good Birthday, loved this comment from Smash YOUR NEVER 60 JOHN HAVE HAVE NICE DAY , Its true what our Gert janet says after all, I act my shoe size ie 11.
  6. J

    Happy Birthday Fleesh

    Hope all of your wishes came good Fleesh, all the best :cheers: :luck:
  7. J

    Picture Captions

    Thought Wild Bill Hickock myself
  8. J

    Blidworth Holiday Open

    The Blidworth club will be putting on an ABCDE open, weather permiting. Sunday 28-12-08 It should be in two weight groups up to 25 lb up to 35 lb Scratch up to 40 lb 48 lb and no limit. Vets in handicap 1 mark per year at 5 and pro rata Pups in two weight classes 25 lb and up to 35lb...
  9. J


    It is a pity that there is not someway of sending those who like the flashes and bangs back to 1914-18 in france , maybe they would not be so keen as to step back for those fireworks. :- "
  10. J

    Drug Abuse

    Think that there is enough to be a significant problem [ 26 ] [52.00%] I think this is a shocking inditement on our sport, that over half of those who have answered think drug abuse to be a significant problem.
  11. J

    Denise Bailey

    All the best Dee, going out with a bang so to speak eh, :cheers: :luck: Love John M
  12. J

    Billie The Kid

    All the best with the mating, No snow in the Nottingham area as yet, enjoy your journey and all the best :cheers: :luck: :luck:
  13. J

    Bwra Open

    It was always an additional ABCDE open in the past,it was also an east midland members only when i first ran in the event at the old Melton track,but i do not propose to understand the Top Gun event qualification, so it may well qualify now as a top gun open.
  14. J

    How To Block Users

    Wish this would work in real life with our Gert :clown: (ouch she has just read it)
  15. J

    Paul Ill Again

    Glad to hear you are up and about again Paul, take it easy
  16. J

    Devon Festival 2009

    Don't intend posting on this topic again has at the moment it leaves a very bad taste in your mouth (Quote from Karen) You been sucking Georges toes again Karen, you naughty girl :- " :clown: :cheers:
  17. J

    Devon Festival 2009

    I am not a member or a committee person for the Devon and Somerset W.R.C. therefore i have no sway as to what does what or who does what. Quite frankly, all who would like to change things can also work for the good of whippet racing, things have always been political in whippet racing. If...
  18. J

    Devon Festival 2009

    The Devon meeting has always been within a week of the 12 of June ever since it was started, the very first Whippet Derby was run at Devon track at the same time of year, the whippet Derby was founded as an event that would travel around the country and not stay at the same track, that it why it...
  19. J

    John/joan Connor-gold Runner

    I remember going up to John and Joan's to pick up N/ch Fiddles Gold, most memorial for the puppy screaching and screaming all the way back home in the car. Was asking Mr Boyd if he had seen John or Joan only the other day on the phone.Sorry their return back to lancaster is not for a happy reason.
  20. J

    Highgate Wrc

    Once again a really good nights racing with good company and plenty of laughs, can't help but laugh with Mr Boyd there. Well run and well organised by the Highgate track staff and the Highgate club members and committee, Thanks for a good night