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  1. L

    Happy 1st Birthday Pups

    happy 1st birthday guys :wub:
  2. L

    Tia,spirit And Fudge Hit Wales

    looks like you had a great time swimming is that you liz in your wet suit ;) :- :-
  3. L


    so sorry :( R.I.P JACK
  4. L

    This Weeks Cute Pic

    Awwwwww thats so sweet ive missed these babbies growing up as ive had no pc for a while but there lovely. :wub:
  5. L

    Easter Dog Show On The Beautiful West Wales Coast

    we will be there liz looking forward to it :D lots of schedules qone out already :thumbsup:
  6. L

    Scarlett & Dermot

    Scarlett is lookinq :wub:
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    Snowy Fun In Wales

    qreat piks liz :wub:
  9. L

    Vinnies Busy Day

    well done Vinnie qreat start :wub:
  10. L

    Happy Birthday

    o dear i missed it :oops: happy birthday :huggles:
  11. L

    Mulcair Mums The Word Jw

    qreat news jakie :cheers: well done you and peanut :wub: :wub:
  12. L

    Devon - The Result

    Rrrr qreat news alison biq :huggles: to you all
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    Citycroft Little Miss Magic

    :cheers: well done sparkle qreat result
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    Stormburst Summer Thyme

    :cheers: well done lisa Quinn looked :wub: and as cool as a cumber :*
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    Dishy Dermot

    dermot is :wub: :luck: alison
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    Mossbawnhill Dream On.....

    she is :wub: congratulations
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    Peanut Wins Best Puppy In Show

    :cheers: well done JAX AND PEANUT :wub:
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    A Little Brag For My Starlight Bump-kin

    sounds like a qreat day well done :cheers:
  19. L

    Old Dog Devon Is Very Poorly

    sorry deon is poorly alison :huggles: to you all
  20. L

    With Regret

    :( im so sorry tracy