Hi Guys
Stockton Wrc will be Schooling and Racing tomorrow Sat 25th Feb.
Handicap: 160 yards 1/2 yard per lb ( Subject to Entries)
Scratch Race: 160 yards.
Visitors welcome. :thumbsup:
Hi Guys
Just let all members and Visitors know
Stockton Wrc is Schooling & Racing tomorrow.
Meet 10.30 Racing 11.00am
You are all very welcome. :thumbsup:
Notice to all members of the BWRA North Yorks Region.
A meeting will held at 12.30pm at Easington Greyhound Stadium.
Apologise in advance for the short notice to the change of venue but we were not to sure about the weather until this point.
Hi Guys
No Racing at Stockton Wrc today ground to hard.
Please note no Racing Next Saturday due to Local Bend Open.
Racing will resume 18th Feb weather permitting.
Thanks for your support. :thumbsup:
Hi All
Stockton Wrc will be racing in the morning.
Please note there is a frost tonight but should be OK to race by 11.00am. :thumbsup:
Hi Guys
Just to let members & Visitors know subject to conditions.
Stockton Wrc will be trailing in the morning.
Meet at 10.30 - 10.45 am.
Please note 2012 memberships are now due.
Lisa will be on hand to take your Bonus Ball monies.
Good luck to all members for 2012. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Hi Guys.
Good Luck with your bitch David.
lets Hope she throws another Sup Rch/ Nch Shooting Star or Sup RBch/ NBch Pathfinder for you.
It will be good to see you in action and racing again.
Good Luck. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Hi All
Just a small reminder as we do want any one to turn up and be disappointed.
No Racing until next season for Stockton WRC. :thumbsup:
Hi Guys
Please note: Stockton Wrc is closed until the new year. We hope to start schooling again in Late Jan- Feb subject to the weather.
The Committee would like to thank all those who have supported Stockton Wrc during this year.
We would also wish every one a Great Christmas and the very...
Hi Guys
Sorry due to some personal issues at home. We never got chance to take photos of each pup.
However I did record the markings at Birth. If we locate the pup and there is any dispute of ownership. I will pay to have the pup DNA tested.
Not sure if the New owners took any photos I will...
Hi Guys
Please can you help by being on the look out for this dog pup, he was stolen yesterday from a kennel in Crook Co Durham at approx 4.00pm.
The thief left behind another puppy and only removed the Whippet pup.
This pup has only been with his new owners for one week. he is White with...
Hi Guys.
Stockton Wrc will be having ABCD racing tomorrow.
Distance: 160 Yards
Handicap: 2 ft per lb
Puppy Scratch:
Adult Scratch:
Schooling: £1.00 per run.
Meet: 10.30 - 10.45 am
Racing: 11.00 am
Visitors are always very welcome. :thumbsup:
Sat Nav users: www.stocktonwrc.co.uk
Hi Gary
Yes Stockton Wrc normally keep racing as far as the weather will allow us too.
We have in the past lost some meetings to Ice & Snow.
Visitors are always welcome any person travelling can check with Porky details can be found on
www.stocktonwrc.co.uk :thumbsup:
Hi Guys.
Stockton Wrc will be having ABCD racing tomorrow.
Distance: 150 Yards
Handicap: 1/2 Yard per lb
Puppy Scratch:
Adult Scratch:
Schooling: £1.00 per run.
Meet: 10.30 - 10.45 am
Racing: 11.00 am
Visitors are always very welcome.
Sat Nav users: www.stocktonwrc.co.uk
See you...
Hi Guys.
Stockton Wrc will be having ABCD racing tomorrow.
Distance: 150 Yards
Handicap: 1/2 Yard per lb
Puppy Scratch:
Adult Scratch:
Schooling: £1.00 per run.
Meet: 10.30 - 10.45 am
Racing: 11.00 am
Visitors are always very welcome. :thumbsup:
Sat Nav users: www.stocktonwrc.co.uk...
Hi Guys
Weather forecast dry and sunny at Stockton Wrc tomorrow. 10.00am on wards. ;)
No frost over night Temp 10c.
Sat: 12c good weather for schooling pups
Hope you can pop along to join us. :thumbsup:
Hi Guys
Stockton Wrc: Racing this Sat 22nd October.
Distance: 150 yards.
Handicap: A.B.C.D. @ 2ft per lb.
Class's: upto 24lb and upto 32lb subject to entries.
Puppy Scr
Adult Scr.
Schooling for pups no problem.
Start: 10.30- 10.45 Racing as close to 11.00am as possible.
New and Old...
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