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  1. J

    Meet William

    I would like to introduce you all to our new baby son William. He was born on 24th April at 730am weighing 7lbs, and has already become best friends with the dogs who love to make sure he is OK and snuggle up near him. sleepy_william___resized.bmp Oh - i thought the pic would appear in the...
  2. J

    Colts Latest Injury...

    Glad Colt has gotten sorted quickly - when did he do the injury? Selby or Kelmarsh?
  3. J

    A Few Pics Of My New Pup Alfie

    We had the pleasure of meeting Alfie the other weekend and I have never met a more adorable, well behaved boy. He certainly has grown into a handsome young man.
  4. J

    Can I Be The New Andrex Puppy Please Mummy??

    Funny how all whippets seem to have an attraction to toilet paper - I reckon they just want to help decorate!
  5. J

    Happy Birthday Trac!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday. I hope you have a really special day cos u are such a special person xxxx
  6. J

    Dog Urine Pong - Odour Neutraliser

    Biological washing powder does wonders, but make sure it isnt too foamy!
  7. J

    Serious Car Accident

    What a horrific thing to happen. Thinking of the family.
  8. J

    Happy Birthday Bluenoise

    Happy Birthday Pat - hope u had a good un.
  9. J

    alright stranger hows things

    alright stranger hows things
  10. J

    Worcester Lurcher Coursing Pics

    Fab pics Kev - shame we couldn't make it. Looked like fun.
  11. J

    Who Remembers Going To School In Cubs/brownie Uniform?

    I seem to remember having a session on this while I was at Brownies and it has something to do with the Brownie promise, 'to love my God, to serve my Queen and my country...' Whichever country the pack belongs to, they celebrate the saint's day of the country, hence different countries wearing...
  12. J

    Who Remembers Going To School In Cubs/brownie Uniform?

    I did when I was in primary school. I was one of the first Brownies in our pack to have the 'new' uniform - collotes, jumper, sash and baseball cap. I couldn't wait to show it off! That would have been the early 90's I think.
  13. J

    Day Off Work And 2 Walks

    Happy looking dogs. Loving the photos. Glad some people are sensible and muzzle dogs when needed instead of risking a nip. I wish more people would be like you pair.
  14. J

    hi hun - only just realised you can leave messages here!

    hi hun - only just realised you can leave messages here!
  15. J

    Local Hero

    Lucky dog! Is that apicture of him next to the article cos if it is it is a funny looking German Shepherd!
  16. J

    Eco School

    What about getting the kids to sort out the litter they find into items they can recycle and those they can't and then working out if they need bins for the recycling and where they should put them? On a similar note maybe they could sort out recycling boxes for every classroom and design some...
  17. J

    Birmingham Nature Centre

    Amazing pics Bill!
  18. J

    Who`s Going Where This Season ?

    We will get to as many as possible this year, but I suspect the end of April and all of May will be off the cards as that's when bean is due. But we want the little one to experience as many game fairs as poss right from the start!
  19. J

    Any Room For Me?

    Bryn has to be one of the thickest puppies I know! bryn.bmp
  20. J

    Digit Relaxing

    Just don't forget to ask him for THAT photo. ;)