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  1. D

    Shed Tears Today :(

    Luigi has a problem and im not sure what any ideas? The last few days he has started to yelp every so often as if he is in pain (which he is) It started getting more frequant last night so decided to take him to vets today they checked him over for leg breaks and fractures etc but nothing was...
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    Thinking Of Getting An Ig

    welcome! Look on you'll find puppies and breeders on there. x
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    Whippet - Change In Character

    :D :D :D
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    Whippet - Change In Character

    Good idea esty i have also heard that all dogs go crazy for liver cake and yes you are correct about using pigs liver or pork for that matter all i know is it's not easily digested. Altough i do give mine thee odd sausage lol! Chicken, lamb, turkey and fish are the easiest to digest however pork...
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    Whippet - Change In Character

    Thank you for that, I do watch the Dog Whisperer intently and have often thought how could he get to a a person that Kadie has set in her sights to bark and nip at, I would love to put her forward to be cured, in fact he is over here in February, a couple of friends of mine are going up to the...
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    Whippet - Change In Character

    Your not a failure and don't give up! I would suggest taking kadie training getting her to meet alot of people and other dogs also take along your other so she gets used to still being around your other one plus people plus other dogs. It is a none fact that when you have two dogs they do egg...
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    Loving And Experienced Home Waiting!

    I've decided after much thought to take on a rescue or rehome a italian greyhound or whippet also crossed. I have two igxwhippets already and have space, time, and love for another :D I can offer a lovely 2 bed cottage in a rural area and 100% undivided attention. I work just 2 days a week...
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    F.a.o Wiggy

    Have you got any of my calls or messages hun? been trying to contact you! Hope you had a good xmas xxx
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    Merry Xmas Everyone!

    :D :D have a good one! xxx
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    Blue Brindle Whippets!

    Thanks guys i just can't relate any of these colours to daisy (the whippet bith ive seen) only the picture i posted! She has absolutly no fawn in her at all all blue and dark blue striping. Amazing colour! I'll have to take a picture next time i see her lol her owner will think im a stalker lmao x
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    14-16 Week Old Kitten Needs Home!

    My cousins wife's friend hs found a kitten it's between 14-16 weeks old, male non neutered. They have put up posters for weeks no ones claimed him. Shelters are up to there eye balls. Anyone want him? Hampshire area. email me.
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    Idiots With Bull Breeds

    same thing happened 2 my iggx whippet she got attaked by a bull mastiff x lab. ugly looking thing owned by a bunch of gypos nothing i could have done. she was in my arms when the bloody thing bit her butt. I screamed at it and i walked off. I wanted to kill the stupid thing but soon realised...
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    The Incredibly Rare

    my whiipet x iggy loves swimming absolutly loves it rivers ponds you name it. x :D
  14. D

    Blue Brindle Whippets!

    Yes the colour im looking for is literally blue with dark blue stripes. Theres a whippet bitch in my area who's this colour and she's stunning never seen a colour like it it gorgeous. imagine a light grey/blue with dark grey/blue stripes over the top. :D
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    Blue Brindle Whippets!

    This is the closest colour im looking for.
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    Blue Brindle Whippets!

    can people please post pictures of blue brindle whippets as ive seen a gorgeous whippet bitch who i think is lue brindle but when i google blue brindle whipet it comes up with two different colours ones like a fawny bluey brindle the other a blue with dark blue stripes which is the colour i...
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    A.t.d Disorder

    not sure i know ill give in soon lol x x :D
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    A.t.d Disorder

    I have discovered i have a disorder called A.T.D also known as addiction to dogs. Many of you also have this disorder. Is there a cure? I have two dogs and i still want more. help!!! Nicky12 and wiggy have this disorder worse then me but i think i have caught it from them. :D I'm after...
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    Strange Behaviour

    check theres no cables chewed as she may have had a shock or something like that may even static shock. xx
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    aww thanks!! pickle loves him :D so glad i got him now there so cute together .... now for numer 3 lol ....cough cough .... :D