I would agree with Mutley about age & distance. I like to run ours on sand though, much safer IMO and they always seem to go better on it. Be sure to give their feet a good rinse after though, ingrained particles can lead to inter digital cyst's & corns.
Years ago (about 45) my Mum "volunteered" me to look after a peke while it's owner was ill.
Did I feel good about taking it out for a "waddle" :D ? However like Beejay says what characters. It had no nerves about meeting up with any other dog of any size & would play for hours. Apart from...
With the torrent of information coming back don't look like anyone's racing :D . Daisy won't have any problem though she does better on bends. I would have just liked to give Ben a go. Probably too late in the day now, he's nearly 5 but he has put good times in given a long enough trip...
Where's Fordingbridge? How far from 'oop north? Is it entry on the day? What do you need to enter pass port, club racing managers pass etc?
Most important of all..........................any bloody height limit's!!!
This really is terrible news. A truly nice person, very gifted and a very knowledgeable dog man. Our sympathies to all concerned.
Terry & Sheila Smith and Family.
"Have to disagree with Terry. I personally think that the Oakbarks are some of the better size dogs in the ring - at this point in time!"
What do you mean by "better" if you mean correct (to the standard) then I agree. I've re-read my post & can't see where I said they weren't correct. In a...
Terry how can you set a dog up to look big?
I don't mean anything an handler can do.I've heard of horses being described as a "well set up type" don't know what the term for the canine equivalent is. I mean the dogs in general are well sprung, big boned & big fronted. They are also pretty...
In this country we don't disqualify on height. Big animals have more "presence" in the ring & are often rewarded. Having said that some of the dog's that look huge aren't that big when you actually put your'e own dog near them. They are so well set up they just look big. The "Oakbark" dogs...
Put us down Vicky!! We have good memories of W/h/ton. Lot's of peds & lot's of non-peds & we all got along. When you say a few quid just how much are we talking or does that depend on entries?
Last time I spoke to him he was recovering from a very serious stroke. He was at that time very dependent on others to do things for him such as answering the phone etc.
I haven't phoned him since for fear of distressing him. The last time I asked about him his situation seems no better.
Black Lance is/was owned by Mr Croft-Slater. We spent one of those days from #### trying to get a mating out of him years ago. He was a lovely looking dog nearly all Laguna breeding. His descendants are used a lot by a guy in north Wales & have a good reputation as lampers. Sooty Sam has coursed...
Good post Michelle! As Paul said PETA are gaining ground in this country. Their cover is that of an animal welfare/right's organisation. However they are against ALL!animal "exploitation". This includes pet ownership. The grand plan is that all domesticated animals are neutered & allowed to...
Congratulations on what sounds a great open Mark. Those are cracking times you must have got the track in really good nick.
Just for the record 9.64 over 170 = 17.63 yds per sec. is that some kind of record for a ped?
Terry Smith
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