Hi Dawn,
Sorry to mess you about but I think we would like a schedule for SYWC. We'll put the old bruiser in vet. If we're spending all day there it will give us something to do.
Terry Smith
Thank's for the information Dawn. We will probably make that. Don't need a schedule we know our limitations. Only "champ" we ever enter is NCWC 'cos we're members there.
Terry Smith
Do any of you know if there are any shows on in the north of England w/end of 5/6 Oct, with a good whippet entry? Ideally within 50 or so miles from Leigh,Lancs.
Terry Smith
We're ped owners but do most of our racing at a non-ped club. As you know kick boards have been banned in ped racing for many years. The steeper (sprint) boards do seem to put the dog at a bad angle. On the other hand they are a great training aid. They make it hard for a dog to turn around &...
According to the dog press the ban on hunting with dogs would not be applied to coursing. Seems someone has finally realised that the kill isn't the main object of the sport. It is not a hunt in the true sense of the word but a trial of agility & stamina which exempts it from the proposed act...
The argument for hunting with dogs is that it is "organic". Conducted fairly & properly the weaker animal should be brought down whilst the stronger one escapes. The end is messy but no more painful than any other ending. No healthy animal surrenders it's life willingly. I was brought up in an...
did you enjoy yourself at highgate?, there is a bend open on at kinsley greyhound stadium(pontefract) next sunday.if you are interested in going and getting a trail-check out there website(can't remember the name of it), for times/info"
I love hanging around dog tracks for some strange...
Thanks for the offer Gary, just a little too far for us. Went past Maidstone this week going to Calais for a "cultural trip" + next 6 month's booze 'n' bacca. Felt pretty knackered by that stage. Must have missed the bends bit on the northerns club letter. Must pay more attention next time
Will any clubs be staging bend racing over the next couple of month's? Reason I ask is that I need to get our little bitch proved for bend racing before the WCRA decide she can only run 120s. She's nearly five & goes around the local G/H track at least once a month no problem. Don't think the...
Well they feel pretty pudgy to me!! Looking through the first 50 or so pages in the first "Whippet Champions" book you can see the difference in the dogs of the fifties, early sixties & now. Most of these dogs (the "Ladiesfields" are good examples) are in hard condition without looking poor or...
I'm in the process of setting my own business up after getting laid off. Some of the things I will be making are hand turned lure machines & traps. I should be producing round about May/June.
There is only non-ped racing now in south Yorkshire. In fact there is a big meet this Sunday at Barnsley. I'm sure Tony or Michelle can give you details of this we may go ourselves.
If we take Ben can we get him a solo Tony/Michelle/Vicky?
Don't you think it's perverse that a sight hound in hard condition gets less in the ring than a overweight one? The standard stress's the whippets athletisicism yet an athletic specimen is frowned upon. A dog in hard condition has nothing to hide from a judge. structure, musclature etc are all...
The system in France was that a dog had to be examined by a certain number of judges (I think 3). If they thought the dog met the standard it was classed as a whippet. This applied to peds & non-peds alike. In theory a crufts winner or wcra ch. could be refused classification. I think this still...
I've asked a few non-ped racers about him & drawn a blank. Only person I know who saw him run sadly died last year. He was pretty certain he carried an old 2nd class KC pedigree. He threw tri-colours & black & tans like a manc. terrier.
Sorry I don't have more on him. I would like to see his...
Nothing is cheap today try going to a football match once a week. Unless you want sit at home & watch garbage on TV you'll spend money on something. We own peds but love G/hs the major difference for us is that you can own the slowest dog in the world (I think we do!!) & still club race it...
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