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  1. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    I agree with what you say and it is what I have done with my previous dog I have already paid for a package with her, that's the thing. Here is her website.
  2. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    I have really thought about this, with the crate. With 'enforced naps' or trying to settle him in the crate. And I get the negative association with the crate. But you can't just let him zoom when he needs to, he could harm himself and you wouldn't get a single moments all. It is a...
  3. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    That is what I thought. It worried me when I heard it. And this is from a trainer, who has had many years of experience. We are starting puppy classes with her on Saturday. I am an actual psychotherapist, with my own background in complex trauma! I am very qualified in psychology. So you can...
  4. sparkle4ever

    Comforting puppy when fearful or ignoring the puppy?

    I have been informed that when your puppy shows fear during say the socialisation process, getting familiar and used to new sights and sounds, people, other dogs, etc, that if you comfort him, that is the wrong thing to do and will show him/reinforce he has something to fear. Instead it is...
  5. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    For Joanne; we have been able to walk him since we have had him. He had his second vaccination at 10 weeks. And we are socialising him as best as we can, in this limited time. He is very nervous of people and dogs. Not of traffic or anything else. We are doing what we can to build his confidence...
  6. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    I wanted to say thank you very much for these links, they are really helpful. Our pup (he is called Barley) has his last injection today and we explained to the vet how we feel and she wasn't at all surprised. She said that crating him when he is over exuberant is fine (which we are doing) and...
  7. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    Ooh, hang on, I think I am clear to go! :)
  8. sparkle4ever

    For Joanne

    Hi Judy. Yes that is exactly it. I was replying to Joanne's post that contains a link. But try as I might, I just can't get rid of the reply bit! I can't undo what I did, tried many times. It is like it is stuck with trying to reply to Joanne ;-) Even tried a different browser. I guess if I just...
  9. sparkle4ever

    For Joanne

    I couldn't reply on the post, tried several times but because I was trying to reply to you, it kept saying it wouldn't submit it. Inappropriate elements. So I have had to write it here instead as a new post. Copied and pasted of what I wrote. Hi Joanne. Thank you so much for responding. It...
  10. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    Hi there Thank you so much for your reply. Yes I had read about setting an alarm. I think last night was because I wasn't upstairs, as I just wake up as a light sleeper. Though every 2-3 hours at night will lead to bad sleep deprivation! He is crate trained but doesn't enjoy being put in there...
  11. sparkle4ever

    So concerned we can't cope with 12 week puppy

    We are having real difficulties with puppy, that is making me very concerned as to whether we can continue. We have had him 5/6 days. We didn't get him till he was 11 weeks, unlike 8 weeks, due to situations beyond our control. The other puppies, apart from one that the breeder decided to keep...