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  1. W


  2. W


    Took Storm and Bramble down to the coast with rew and his dad for a couple days, they both enjoyed the long walks on the beach and storm bagged a rabbit, couple days after he caught another rabbit local to us. then today we took Storm Fly and Fern for a walk to let them stretch there legs...
  3. W

    More Photos

    enjoy :big_boss: :thumbs: W.H
  4. W

    More Photos

    went for a walk with storm this morning, and took some photos, all these fields yet no rabbits...... a normal day local.
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    A Few Mooches

    you dont have to if you dont want to, all depends on how gamey you like it, iv hung it since saturday. in victorian ages they used to hang it till the backs turned green :x w.h
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    A Few Mooches

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    A Few Mooches

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    A Few Mooches

    Went out for a few days last week, went out shooting and had a phessie and a squirrel the phessie is in the oven now with veg and redwine in a cassarole dish, went out with rew next day walking through the fields letting the storm and bramble do the work storm flushed a rabbit turned it once...
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    Belvoir Castle...

    heres a pic i took of the racing that light coloured dog did do very well
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    A Mooch And A Lamp

    went up to the fields for a look on the lamp around 3am bright night and no wind at all, 1st field look promising untill the horses f***ed it up following me everywhere i went, i moved onto the next field and goats were in the exact spot i wished to lamp and i dont think tht the rabbits would of...
  11. W

    Just A Few Photos

    nothink to do, so i messed about with photoshop, heres a few pics i thought i would share. also what size do you think he will make he is over 8months and 25"tts. Cheers W.H
  12. W

    A Couple Of Coneys

    Took Storm out for a walk with rew, rew and his pups on thursday storm and fly ran down a hedge row where there were a few bunnies running into the cover as they got close storm launched himself into the cover and pulled out a nice rabbit, then Me, Rew and his dad set out at just after 10 last...
  13. W

    Out Last Night

    thanks all. there was no sound on the video had a few problems with it sorry. W.H
  14. W

    Out Last Night

    went out last night with rew his dad and bramble and i decided to take storm out for a abit of educating and gave him a couple runs on squatters, as the ground was perfect, we spotted a nice rabbit in the seat i walked storm closer and closer and slipped him he ran it well and put in a good few...
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    Out With Storm This Morning

    up early this morning to take pup out for a walk. Rew met me down there any we walked around looking for a pigeon to shoot but didnt see a thing, moved on and i spotted a rabbit at the bottem of a quarry area, i silently crept forward placing my folded gun bag on the ground to rest my rifle on...
  16. W

    Some More Photos

    ____________________________________________________________ Rew and Bram with the catch ____________________________________________________________
  17. W

    Some More Photos

    Heres a few more photos i have taken in the past week or so, Fly Fern and Bram on the beach with Rew and his dad, they did some retreiving with bram and the pups from the water, all enjoyed em selves and me and Rew took bram out for a quick shine, and had 2 out of 3 nice bunnies. I took Storm...
  18. W

    A Future Dvd

    heres a idea for the front cover mate have you got any info and pics on the dogs in the footage for the back cover cheers mate will be putting a link up to a short clip of the dvd
  19. W

    Photos From The Last Few Walks

    hope you all enjoy them W.H
  20. W

    Photos From The Last Few Walks

    heres a few photos from the last few outings with the pup, me and rew and his dad have been taking them out for a run about and to get used to each other more, all pups are coming on great and im looking foward to the day that we can take them out for a good few runs,