They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old,
they shall not weary, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we shall remember them.
Remebering all our fallen heroes and thinking of all our armed forces and veterans
Thankyou and God Bless. x
Joe took this picture of Dante today - I really like it!
and I took this one the other day.........remember Dantes cushion?? I think Dante is getting a bit big for this cushion (w00t) :wacko: poor Vinnie :wub:
Joe (youngest son) helped me get some stacked pics of Dante this weekend - he was a good little lad (phew :sweating: ) and here are a couple of the pics. I like them - hope you do too :wub:
He is 13 weeks and as you know from his other pics on here, he has settled in great :lol:
Can anyone tell me why the post I put on yesterday called Dantes cushion has been closed, by whom and why?? It was only a couple of pics of the pup sitting on Vinnie - nothing dreadful Im sure :thumbsup:
Dante seems to have found the perfect cushion........................
and how weird is it that Vinnie is completely at home with wearing the new pup on his head :wacko:
Mind you, comfort works both ways :wub:
Took a few more pics of Dante (Rushden Tumbling Dice) today. As usual most were blurred so I had to delete them :b hope you like them.
He had finished with Micks boot (had it stuck on his head for a time (w00t) ) so thought he would try something tastier :thumbsup:
He soon sussed out...
(w00t) We have a new arrival at our house!!!. He is out of Damson and Merlins litter (Mossbawnhill Smooth as Silk for Rushden and Rushden Cast's A Spell Over Brackaghmoss)
Huge thanks to Janet and Tracy for letting us have Rushden Tumbling Dice :wub: aka "Dante" and these were taken on his...
The vet rang me today with the results of Ozzy's biopsy - he has a disease called Erythema Multiforme :unsure: She said that it is the mild form and is to do with his immune system and has no known cause. I have to continue with the antibiotics and will probably be given more when i go on...
As you might know, recently I lost another of my rescue greyhounds to bone cancer and yesterday this I received this information:-
Tha Animal Health Trust are doing research as to why so many greyhounds get bone cancer, osteosarcoma.
I know myself how many it has been here, Mac being the...
Just had to drop Ozzy off at the vets............he looked so puzzled (more than he usually does :wacko: ) Last Tuesday I took him cos he was shaking his head a lot and as my eyesight aint so good I got my OH to look when he came home from work. Nothing in his ears but a weird yellow crusty...
:o Just had a right shock!!! I was washing up when OH asked me what the thing was on the bird feeder - i thought squirrel? but no..........RAT :x OH ran out with big stick - Let Ozzy and Vinnie out but the thing escaped!! Vinnie didnt even see it run past him (he was too busy chasing Oz)...
I am sat here totally stunned as Ive just had to take Lacey to the emergency vets where she has had to be put to sleep. She was the first greyhound we got from the rescue, she was soooo depressed and sad looking - she had been living in a shed on an allotment and her owner had died. She was very...
:( Had to take Nell one of my rescued retired greyhounds to the vet yesterday. Time had caught up with her and she had become very wobbly and kept falling over. I held her whilst the vet put her to sleep :'( and I knew I was doing the best thing for her but my heart broke.
Nell came into the...
:) Cant believe that my little Vinnie is a whole 1 today!! How quickly he went from this...........
to this............
then this..........
I will put a "today" piccie up later when the birthday boy wakes up :- but for now
Celticmoon Oto's Arizona...
Had to laugh at Vinnie in the garden - I had put teak oil on a wooden carving I bought from a street market last year (I know, Im a quick worker :lol: ) then put it in the garden to dry............
Getting braver :)
What you cant see is him running round...
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