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  1. I

    Leash training

    Hi Just to let you know that I am trying the stop method average steps is 8 before she pulls, she now instantly comes to my side but still waiting for the lightbulb moment. Thanks again for all you help.
  2. I

    Leash training

    Thank you. Will do as you say no treats just stop. No excuse now nothing else to do. !!!
  3. I

    Leash training

    Thank you I have tried the stop method and whenever she gets a treat saying good dog off she goes I don't think I have always been 100% consistent I will try harder. I'll watch the video as soon as I can.
  4. I

    Leash training

    1 rescue alsation cross collie who had been badly abused has come a long way but still has trust issues. She is approximately 3 to 4 been with us 1 1/2 years. The other red fox lab was rehomed is 2 1/2. Got them at the same time Walking separately lab pulls, alsation perfect. I walk 1 and...
  5. I

    Leash training

    2 dogs just can't seem to be trained to not pull each want to be leader.