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  1. Quirkygirl

    Sudden death of my 6 year old chocolate lab

    Im so sad for your friend it truly is awful
  2. Quirkygirl

    Sudden death of my 6 year old chocolate lab

    Thankyou for your reply Its been a hard weekend Hopefully this next week the hard edges wil soften a bit and i can share about how totally wonderful she was .... I wouldnt wish what i experienced on anyone ever, the only comfort i can take atm is that it was so sudden and the vet said she...
  3. Quirkygirl

    Sudden death of my 6 year old chocolate lab

    Thankyou for your words. Theres so much to say ... but my heart is so sore right now i dont know where to begin .:emoji_broken_heart: She was perfect right from the start She was my bestfriend
  4. Quirkygirl

    Sudden death of my 6 year old chocolate lab

    Its so raw , it was less than 5 minutes from onset i hope my beautiful girl didnt feel anything, her face looked peaceful not in pain
  5. Quirkygirl

    Sudden death of my 6 year old chocolate lab

    You didnt make me feel unwelcome, i just thought that i had maybe mistakenly posted info in the wrong place as my head is all over the place. I phoned the Blue Cross and cried for an hour with a lovely lady called Sue. I wouldnt have known this was available without you telling me , thankyou...
  6. Quirkygirl

    Sudden death of my 6 year old chocolate lab

    Thankyou so much , my head is all over the place i maybe have posted in the wrong place. I will look at the blue cross
  7. Quirkygirl

    Sudden death of my 6 year old chocolate lab

    I guess i should say ive stumbled here to help express my grief, i dont know what else to do. Only 19 hours have passed since it happened, my beautiful girl Nutmeg is gone. She was amazing , the most loving girl with a laid back nature. It was so sudden, so unexpected and so very traumatic. I...