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  1. L

    My Shih Tzu Luna

    She has been on Gabapentin & Metacam for the last week. She’s been much brighter tonight. I think we could be on the mend.
  2. L

    My Shih Tzu Luna

    She has suggested giving her a supplement as she may have arthritis. I’ve noticed sometimes she struggles to get up, but she never cries or whimpers nothing. I am giving her YouMove tabs at the moment. Vet said they were ok to give her them. She has clicking legs.
  3. L

    My Shih Tzu Luna

    Thank you all. I have visited the vet twice regarding this. They have done a health check on her and said she is fine. Its hard to get her to eat some days. I have to try and coax her with a piece of boiled chicken or a small amount of cheese, which she loves, I don't want to keep giving her...
  4. L

    My Shih Tzu Luna

    My Shih Tzu is only 7 years old. Since she passed 7 years she has become really lethargic. Sleeps a lot during the day. I would like to hear from someone who has a 7 year old to see if that is normal or not.
  5. L

    My Shih Tzu Luna

    Thank you. I would like to talk about Luna and her ailment, also if anyone else has experienced the same with their Shih Tzu
  6. L

    My Shih Tzu Luna

    Hi. My name is Luna. I am a 7 year old Shih Tzu and I am not very well at the moment. I have been to the vet and he gave me medicine which I have now completed the course.