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  1. J

    Final Ferret Pix Before They Left

    I am so envious of the lovely kits you've been able to produce--well not personally!! I'm a polecat fancier-super pics. I've had 5 lots of kits over the years but this year have had no success despite the father and mother both having a proven record.I put them together when she was in season...
  2. J

    Help Required From Irish Contingent Please

    Thanks for that Trac but it seems too easy compared to the rest of the quiz questions.Plus most entries re kissing the Blarney Stone appear to say that it gives you the gift of the gab.As most of our Irish friends have!!
  3. J

    Help Required From Irish Contingent Please

    Hello I am currently doing a quiz and have managed to answer 74 of the 75 required. The one that I am stuck on is "Which part of an Irish Castle do visitors kiss for good luck?" So Stormydog and Billyboy etc etc--what's the answer please.
  4. J

    Cornish Lurcher Championships

    Completely agree with Goran's comments.And so sorry that a wonderful opportunity for us all in the SW is no longer available. Regards to all at the Lurcher Showground and many thanks.For those over the years that I have met eg John from Essex.Graham who always drank too much.Carol who shared his...
  5. J

    Wanted, Loving Home For My Greyhound

    [i do not normally post on this site but am an avid reader. I now have only 2 lurchers having lost my old boy recently.They have all been rescue dogs with their problems.The old boy was the worst and we stood by him through some some very difficult times--12 years of it.But we loved him despite...