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  1. T

    New Dog Needs Putting In Her Place!

    I am having the same problem with a seven month rotti I have had three weeks he does the same thing for attention comes and gets hold of my hands or when I fold my arms he will nip legs or back of my arms and god it hurts. So went down to my local pet shop and explained to them about it they...
  2. T

    Puppy Biting

    I fully sympathise as I am having the same problem with a seven month old rotti I have had eight days I also give him loads of attention but something seems to trigger this biting action this is my third rotti and had forgot this is something I have to master arms and hands are black...
  3. T

    Puppy Nipping/biting Hard

    I just got a seven month rotti which we rescued living in a flat with another two year old. He too has started the biting but jaws a bit stronger read up on the NILIF method have been practising the last two days and has helped a lot but you need to persevere these dogs are very strong natured...