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  1. K

    Constant guilty feeling about dog

    Hi Jo! Thanks for your post. I had a dog walker and then didn't, but to be honest it's not a bad idea to maybe restart that again for a little respite. Will keep you posted on any progress and nice to hear your response Kate
  2. K

    Constant guilty feeling about dog

    Hi Eingana, Thanks so much for your reply. You have pointed out some really helpful tips and I will be sure to take them all on board. I really like the tip regarding the high value toy only when I am out. Thank you for a goal to work towards! I will keep in touch with any progress. Many...
  3. K

    Constant guilty feeling about dog

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and came on to get some advise. Basically, my dogs been taking over my life, and my thoughts. To make a long story short I have a 21/2 year old german shorthaired pointer male. I am self employed and work from home, so he is always with me. Until a few weeks...