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  1. M


    Exactly the sort of response I've come to expect, ignore the real issue of fact and truth, pick up on something totally irrelevant to the argument.
  2. M


    Just got off the phone after a long chat with a certain Tom Bingham, senior veterinary surgeon with Walpole & Bingley which is the practice licensed by the NGRC to attend Monmore stadium. He confirmed what I and the more enlightened among the whippet fraternity already knew, that a small amount...
  3. M


    Already e-mailed them, Vicky. Awaiting reply. mkp
  4. M


    Honeybee, Could you provide me with the name and practice address of the NGRC vet that attends Monmore Stadium? There is evidence to dispute his/her claim that a small amount of chocolate would not show up on a drug test, and since this strikes at the very heart of the BWRA and NWRF dope...
  5. M

    Drug Testing.

    Honeybee, Can you give me the name & address of the NGRC vet from Monmore stadium please? His or her belief that a little bit of chocolate would not show up on a drug test is contrary to that of the British Veterinary Association whose top greyhound vets unanimously agreed that even a bowl of...
  6. M

    Drug Testing.

    Further to reply from Denise, if the new NWRF is having lab reports analysed by experts before making judgement then it's a move in the right direction. You haven't answered my question though as to what research was done in the past 5 months. Also, what are the NWRF levels or do you not have...
  7. M

    Drug Testing.

    Good, innocent people have indeed been lost through drug testing, but simply due to the fact that the authorities in whippet racing failed to recognise theobromine as a relatively inert substance. Had the BWRA asked a veterinary authority to look at the lab reports, as their own rule insists...
  8. M

    K9-Non-Pedigree Forum

    You must be kidding! I'll not stop until I get a fair hearing and until the members and dogs I represented have their titles reinstated. I found out that the BWRA and Whippet News had lied to the members which is probably why I was banned. And the more people like yourself bury your heads in the...
  9. M

    K9-Non-Pedigree Forum

    Whippet News under Chris Cornish has been guilty of this kind of practice for several years now. When the incumbent BWRA committe first banned members for alleged doping offences back in 1998, Liz Tinsley backed the BWRA in her 'No Limit' column. After I met with Liz and showed her the proof...
  10. M

    Tolerance levels

    I find it hard to beleive that nobody in the k9 community knows how the BWRA came up with 8-10%, particularly given that, unlike the NWRF, the BWRA is a democratic organisation whose every decision should be open to the membership. So I ask again, aiming particularly at those of you who were at...
  11. M

    Tolerance levels

    Can anybody explain how the BWRA came up with 8-10% levels for caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, and whether or not these levels are still in effect?
  12. M

    Righting a wrong

    It's taken a hell of a long time and a lot of effort, not to mention all the abuse, but judging from recent postings it appears that at last the k9 community accepts (with exceptions no doubt) that the BWRA authority got it wrong when they punished Jan Ambrosini, Rab Pattison, Jane Poole and...
  13. M

    A Plea to Yvonne & Tony

    It's probably fair to say that, along with certain members of the BWRA top table, the pair of you have caused more damage and distress in whippet racing than anybody in its history. Having been at the receiving end of your bigotry and malice (remember Xstasy at Devon), I find it very difficult...
  14. M


    Thanks,Ritchie, for being true to your word, and posting your verdict after listening to the BBC tape I sent. Your posting was even more eloquent than I dared hope for, and is just about the best thing I've read on K9. Gives me a little bit of faith. Your questions are well founded. I still do...
  15. M

    Drug testing...

    And that's the point as far as BWRA is concerned. Rule 28 has always stated that even if a lab report is positive, it's an offence only if 'deemed by the Associations veterinary surgeon to affect its performance.' Theobromine definitely doesn't. A stimulant acts upon the central nervous system...
  16. M

    Drug testing...

    Further to the topic and in particular with regard to Ritchie's posting:- The NGRC do not automatically issue a 12 month ban for a positive lab report, in fact they sometimes just issue a fine depending upon the substance involved. This makes sense, after all a mass murderer and a person caught...
  17. M

    Lookin' for answers

    1. How did the BWRA arrive at the 8-10% band for xanthines? These figures first cropped up at the national committee meeting 11 Jan 1998. At the same meeting the lab report of Avalanche at 9.3ug/ml theobromine was discussed. Jennings is on record as saying "all levels ..... were professionally...
  18. M

    A Bit About Yourself And Dogs

    My name is Mark Pettitt. In 1990 I returned to England after 13 years in Canada. I had never owned a dog, and never even heard of a whippet. I met Gill Hardy and Xspell in 1992. Xspell was coming up to his 3rd birthday that Christmas. I fell in love with him from the start. Gill took me to a...
  19. M

    B.W.R.A. championship testing

    I've been through the replies on this topic several times and, frankly, I find it all very depressing. Not once has anybody suggested seeking advice from a greyhound or veterinary body to set acceptable levels. Does everybody in whippet racing have a degree in biochemistry or some other...
  20. M

    BWRA Corruption

    Hi Paul, You're not missing any more than myself or my BWRA regional reps - we don't know for sure why I was banned, our best guess is that it was convenient for the committee to have me removed. An earlier posting, can't quote exactly without checking, said something along the lines of 'we all...