Well, shes happy enough during the daytime really, she sleeps quite a lot, but shes old, she doesn't seem to be in any pain. Het tail wags most of the time, shes eating, although a little less. Its just the night time, she goes off on a different scale, almost something different every night...
I sort of feel like this vet hasn’t a clue as nothing is springing out as obvious. I think there’s something wrong with her central nervous system. It’s almost 1am and we are up with her running around like someone crazy. Shaking her head. Going in and out of rooms. She has a wild look about her...
It’s currently 4.30am and I’m sat on edge of bed having been awake an hour with my elderly dog. She woke me again wretching on our bedroom carpet. No vomit this time as she’s on anti sickness pills. She’s lost loads of weight. The vet has just scoped down in to her stomach and ultra sounded her...
Yes she’s on antibiotics in case she has a uti. I managed to check her urine. It wasn’t showing any bugs. I’m only going to put a nappy on her at night. I put one on her to try this afternoon and she peed in it ! Today I had to wash all the bedclothes as she sleeps on a bed as she had peed at...
My elderly female cocker has become in continent. She’s peeing all over the house. I was going to buy some disposable nappies for incontinence. Is it a good idea. Will she know to pee in it instead of on my carpet ? . Not sure what else to do. My house has become smelly.
No I didn’t as she doesn’t stay still long enough. But thank you for the suggestion. We’re back at the vet today to weigh her. I’m not sure what he will suggest. Up until now he’s not been much help regarding suggestions. I just wish I knew if it was old age or there’s something going on...
By being uncoordinated. She walks straight. But she’s started falling up the garden steps. She jumps the last three stairs which causes her to land like bambi on the hall floor. I’ve put down a blanket for her
To at least have a soft landing. She’s a bit better during the day. But at night she’s...
My cocker is 13.5 yrs old. She’s always been a lovely placid kind dog to both humans and other dogs. But we’ve hit a stage where she’s become extremely challenging. I have mentioned her behaviour before. But she’s getting progressively worse. It’s so hard as I don’t know if...
I posted a longggg thread this morning about my elderly dog’s health and behaviour. It’s not on the forum. For some reason when I started writing it I was asked to out a members name in the heading. Which I though odd. What’s happened ?
Thanks for feedback. She is flat out in the sofa as we speak. She just doesn’t do this at all in the light hours. It all kicks off after we’ve
Eaten supper and sat down to watch tv. I have been giving her the meds a couple of hours earlier. But we have this hideous time after the meds until we...
What’s weird is ( as I tested this out) is she’s not really so much bothered about going outside as it’s like she just wants to bug me. I’m sure she doesn’t do it on purpose. But we’ve left the door open at night so she can come and go as she wishes. But she just keeps coming to us and pawing us...
I’m back again. I know I should be happy we are
Now getting some overnight sleep but I’m still struggling. We give her the meds at around 9.30pm. For three hours after she is manic. In and out of the kitchen, barking to go out the back. She goes in the garden and stands staring at nothing. She...
Much happier. I don’t really like giving her a sedative. But the vet said it’s very mild and no different than a human taking a sleeping pill at night. It won’t harm her. So yes we’re all happier. We wake up fresher and so does she.
Hello just an update. The vet gave our dog a mild sedative in a liquid syrup form. We have been giving her half a dose every night and we have had some whole nights sleep which has been fantastic. There are no long-term effects from this drug as we only give her half the dose. So I think we may...
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