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  1. Jembers

    Wheaten Terrier/Tasmanian Devil Owner!

    I think there's a misconception that hyper puppies have too much energy they need to burn off, when in fact they need to rest. We sometimes have to force a rest on ours and put him in his bed. More often than not, he's asleep pretty quickly afterwards.
  2. Jembers

    Wheaten Terrier/Tasmanian Devil Owner!

    I'll be sure to keep you posted! x
  3. Jembers

    Wheaten Terrier/Tasmanian Devil Owner!

    I agree. To be honest, I should know better by now. We had a Lakeland Terrier before him and he was a stubborn little bugger as well!
  4. Jembers

    Uploading an Avatar...Help!

    Thanks...I don't know what was happening, but all sorted now.
  5. Jembers

    Uploading an Avatar...Help!

    Oh...seems it was just taking it's time!
  6. Jembers

    Uploading an Avatar...Help!

    Sorry guys, I'm new on here and have been messing about for the past half hour trying to add a nice photo of my dog and nothing is happening! Any advice would be most welcome. :(
  7. Jembers

    Wheaten Terrier/Tasmanian Devil Owner!

    He loves a Yak Snack/Yakers type chew. He's got all sorts of other chew toys as well, but often prefers to chew on humans if he gets the chance! I might try him with the pizzle sticks. I've heard many people recommend them, although not keen on having a bit of penis dragged around my rugs! :D
  8. Jembers

    Terrier Puppy Toilet Habits.

    I think I'll just camp out in the garden! ;)
  9. Jembers

    Wheaten Terrier/Tasmanian Devil Owner!

    Such a relief when people reassure you that it does get easier. Right now it feels a million years away, but even now when I stop to think about it, he's much better than he was just a month ago!
  10. Jembers

    Wheaten Terrier/Tasmanian Devil Owner!

    Thanks for the advice. It's all too easy for situations to become a battle of the wills, but you're spot on about the ignoring and distracting techniques. I just need to remember to be consistent with it, which is easier said than done when I'm completely knackered! :)
  11. Jembers

    Terrier Puppy Toilet Habits.

    We have a nearly 5 month old Wheaten Terrier. We have not used a crate and so he is closely supervised at all times. When he's calm and resting, he can go 2-3 hours sometimes without needing to go out but, whenever he's playing, or gets overly excited and especially between 7.30pm and 9.30pm, he...
  12. Jembers

    Wheaten Terrier/Tasmanian Devil Owner!

    Hi everyone, I am the proud, but constantly exhausted owner of a nearly 5 month old Wheaten. It would be great to hear from other terrier/Wheaten owners to find out how they are getting on with their own little whirlwinds. We had forgotten how much hard work puppies are, having not had one for...