a paper by Elizabeth McBride & David Montgomery, published in People and Animals: The International Journal of Research and Practice, available in full text here -
Animal welfare: a contemporary understanding demands a contemporary approach to behaviour and training - ePrints Soton
free -...
Ken is a fellow USA-apdt member, altho for all i know, he may - like me - have let his membership lapse; when the BoD tossed out the 'dog-friendly' part of the organization's mission statement, it was the beginning of many unwelcome changes in attitude & philosophy. :(
He's a wonderful...
Even if U're not a novice, every dog is an individual, & our latest loves might throw us some wild curve-balls. Information is everywhere, but GOOD info can be hard to winnow from the half-a$$ed hooey. :oops:
Here are some really-reliable sources:
DogStarDaily.com - especially
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