- Messages
- 343
- Reaction score
- 0
- Points
- 0
An early morning start was had by myself Sammy John {stormydog} and Colin {Coatsy } set out on 7.15am seacat to Scotland with Johns dogs Colt and China Unfortunatly due to an ungoing injury colt was unable to compete in the racing the seacat dock after a smooth crossin right on time we travelled through some beutful countrysise some of what can only describe as wilderness untouch by man left in its natural state >Wwe arrived just as the showing was starting to get underway with a warm welcome from Den and the rest of the helpers and competors with the showing under way John and Colin in the show ring the wee cricket club was too inviting time a wee cider not sure who won each event but I am sure Den will help me out on that one then with the showing out of the way time for the racing with some major fit looking dogs china down us proud by winning the racing Set for for the journey home with fish suppers in Moffat having to share with Colt and China my bit was well tasty heres some pictures of the day excuss the qualty as they are from my phone Thanks for the inite Den and crew for a greatday
the early morning crossing
some beautifull countryside
some well fit dogs in a lovely setting in an ageold cricket ground
an exhausting day for all lol
the early morning crossing

some beautifull countryside

some well fit dogs in a lovely setting in an ageold cricket ground

an exhausting day for all lol