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A friend asked us to look after their dog for 2 weeks and we agreed. This was in March.we tried to contact them using their numbers and social media but heard nothing. It's now June and we have just found out that they were in hospital they got let out and never contacted us but now they have gone to prison. We don't know when they will be let out. They have written a letter to another friend saying they dis not know our address (which I find difficult to believe we have known them for years) and they left the dog with us.
We think when they get out they will want the dog back, where do we stand.
We have registered he chip now in our name registered with a vet, paid for everything as if she was ours. When she came to us she was all over the place she is only 17 months and is now really settled.
You might need to contact a lawyer - Trevor Cooper specialises in dog law and is often recommended: About Trevor Cooper | Dog Law

Another question is to decide what you definitely want to do - what if your friend gets out of prison and is a reformed character, ready to take care of his dog? It's possible he's not got in touch with you because he feels ashamed and is worried about the position he's put you in, and/or worried about his dog. Of course, I don't know him and you do.

Good luck - I hope this all works out for you.
We decided to keep her after a lot of thought. So changed the microchip and got her insured and with the vet. He has been the most stable..I think he will want her back but we're are concerned as when we first got her she was all over the place training ..destructive but now she has settled. Will seek some advice
I agree you should seek legal advice now, and Trevor Cooper is excellent.

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