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Are Dogs Clever Enough To Do This

Julie D

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We've been weaning Ella off the raw meat diet as she flicks it all around the cab of OH's wagon when she goes to work every day with him and as you can imagine, it makes quite a smelly mess, plus in the summer especially, the kibble keeps better without a fridge and is more transportable.

I've been trying a selection of different samples of complete as she seems to not like the one she's had for a long while.

I've religiously kept the small packets and stuck a note on each marking whether she seemed to like it or not.

One was marked 'liked a lot, ate all of it' guess what ??????

today OH moved the sofa in the conservatory and just behind one end was a 1/3 of a bowlful of this particular kibble hidden away (w00t) (w00t)

I can't believe it :blink: would a dog actually pick out and hide food that it doesn't like ? she's never done this before, there is no other dog for competition. I think she's been studying too many squirrels :lol:

she's like a naughty toddler with the veg o:)
Julie D said:
We've been weaning Ella off the raw meat diet as she flicks it all around the cab of OH's wagon when she goes to work every day with him and as you can imagine, it makes quite a smelly mess, plus in the summer especially, the kibble keeps better without a fridge and is more transportable.
I've been trying a selection of different samples of complete as she seems to not like the one she's had for a long while.

I've religiously kept the small packets and stuck a note on each marking whether she seemed to like it or not.

One  was marked 'liked a lot, ate all of it'  guess what ??????

today OH moved the sofa in the conservatory and just behind one end was a 1/3 of a bowlful of this particular kibble hidden away  (w00t)   (w00t)

I can't believe it  :blink:   would a dog actually pick out and hide food that it doesn't like ? she's never done this before, there is no other dog for competition. I think she's been studying too many squirrels  :lol:

she's like a naughty toddler with the veg  o:)

Lets not forget julie... looney collooney, from sister jill :huggles:
i have to say yes , they are clever enough , if ive ever mixed any two dry foods together and they dont like one of them then they will just eat the stuff they like and spit out what they dont :- "

they have never hidden it they just leave it in the bowl :wacko:
I knew one who would bury food he didn't like. He started doing this at about 8 months old, he'd take stuff out into the garden and bury it. His owner didn't really approve, but she got REALLY pissed off when the winter came and the ground was too hard for him to dig a hole. He started burying things in the house plants instead!! :lol: :lol:
Inca will carefully pick out of the bowl what she doesn't want and put it by the back door and then go back and eat the rest.
:- " wow Ella is clever :lol: ... my two dont leave hardly anything and love all their veggies - better than my kids actually. :- " :lol:
dogs usually eat the food they like best first, so I can well imagine them squirreling away the less desirable food as a back-up in case they are hungry and nothing else is around
A friend of mine feeds her boarder bakers, she takes all the green bits out. Zeb can be funny aswell. If he doesnt like the mixer then he eats around all the mixer. Eating just the meat and leaves the rest in the bowl. You can watch him doing it.
Mine used to hide the 'special' bits like treats etc almost as if they were saving them for later. They would act out 'burying' them in a corner of the room!!!
i only have one dog at the moment having lost two to old age,the remaining dog a (19 year old jack russel ) has decided that as he is in his dotage that he will only eat human food we buy expensive meat in jelly etc but he will refuse this untill he is sure that there is no human food to be had! when i had several dogs together he was a good eater and would gobble up anything put in front of him, he is just getting old and fussy with no competition,i admit he does get a bit spoilt!freddie.
freddie said:
i only have one dog at the moment having lost two to old age,the remaining dog a (19 year old jack russel ) has decided that as he is in his dotage that he will only eat human food  we buy expensive meat in jelly etc but he will refuse this untill he is sure that there is no human food to be had! when i had several dogs together he was a good eater and would gobble up anything put in front of him, he is just getting old and fussy with no competition,i admit he does get a bit spoilt!freddie.

19 that's a fantastic age, we had a JRT, Sindy, when I lived at home and she lived to be 16 years, she was lovely.
Mine is fussy beyond words, because we told her she was a good girl for eating all her food (for a change) she then started stashing all the stuff she didn't like away. I would find it under her bed or in the coal bucket. She removed all the rice from her meal last night. My other half had put all the meat from some ribs I'd used for soup in her dish and put some left over cooked rice on top of it. The meat was eaten but the rice was left on the floor.
sharron said:
A friend of mine feeds her boarder bakers, she takes all the green bits out.  Zeb can be funny aswell.  If he doesnt like the mixer then he eats around all the mixer.  Eating just the meat and leaves the rest in the bowl.  You can watch him doing it.
I'm rather puzzled by these multicoloured food. Why don't the manufacturers just mix all the ingredients in one basic kibble? As you pointed out, dogs tend to pick out the bits they like rather than eating everything.


this discussion reminds me of something else that dogs do quite cleverly. If another dog has the bone, toy, or even the bed that another dog wants; sometimes the covetous dog will distract the other dog by presenting it with another bone or toy and then grab what he wants.

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