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Bad wind

Cath S

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I just wondered if could ask for any info from those experienced dog owners on here. I have had to change Freddies food as he was ill last week with diarrhea and ever since will not eat his normal food. This has made it very hard to transition to a new food as he would just pick out the new food and leave the old one. As a consequence, the transitioning has probably happened a bit too quick for my liking (and his sensitive stomach bless him) Some meals he has had just new food and we are only on 3 day of transitioning. This has caused some very bad wind but his poo has been fine. My question is - in your experience could the wind possibly pass as time goes on (pardon the pun!) or is it really a bad thing and should I stop the new food immediately? I am at a loss here as to what to do. He was a little off colour this morning and wont each much today but was ravenous yesterday. Thanks in advance.
You do not mention what brand of food you use or how old Freddie is ! How much is fed daily.
I just wondered if could ask for any info from those experienced dog owners on here. I have had to change Freddies food as he was ill last week with diarrhea and ever since will not eat his normal food. This has made it very hard to transition to a new food as he would just pick out the new food and leave the old one. As a consequence, the transitioning has probably happened a bit too quick for my liking (and his sensitive stomach bless him) Some meals he has had just new food and we are only on 3 day of transitioning. This has caused some very bad wind but his poo has been fine. My question is - in your experience could the wind possibly pass as time goes on (pardon the pun!) or is it really a bad thing and should I stop the new food immediately? I am at a loss here as to what to do. He was a little off colour this morning and wont each much today but was ravenous yesterday. Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you're dealing with a tricky situation, but don't worry, you're not alone! Transitioning to a new food can be challenging, especially for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Windiness can sometimes be a temporary side effect as their system adjusts. Keep an eye on Freddie's overall health and behavior, and if you're concerned, it's always best to consult with your vet. Hang in there, and I hope Freddie starts feeling better soon!
You do not mention what brand of food you use or how old Freddie is ! How much is fed daily.
He is nearly 3 years old. Was being fed on years food but now on wolfworthy. Currently approx 100g a day (slightly lower than the amount recommended but just seeing how things settle before increasing) No wind last night or this morning - toileting still ok.
It sounds like you're dealing with a tricky situation, but don't worry, you're not alone! Transitioning to a new food can be challenging, especially for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Windiness can sometimes be a temporary side effect as their system adjusts. Keep an eye on Freddie's overall health and behavior, and if you're concerned, it's always best to consult with your vet. Hang in there, and I hope Freddie starts feeling better soon!
Thanks. Going to stick with it a bit longer and see how things pan out.
My two have raw food both have the same ..teddy has awful wind but normal poo Sykes rarely has wind ....bit like us humans ;)
Oh "Tinytom"Wind or bad wind, PHEW.
We feed raw but do keep a bag of "Millies Wolfheart" (Forerunner) which is their lowest protein, for days that I forget to take meat from the freezer,.
We have a wind free pack, until someone manages to raid the sometimes very fatty butchers bin and "pig out" with as much of it as possible. This is where the "WIND" starts PHEW! Usually just one dog is the culprit,but sometimes 2, the over expanded tummies give the game away, they are like very tight balloons. And then it all starts! The stench after a few hours is absolutely foul, there are times when you get it from both ends.
You may be having a lovely cuddle with someone who is so very sorry mummy and a wet nose in your face and then a huge love burp comes up Ugh! But the worst is the consistent silent but deadly farts.
This does not happen very often as long as I remember to put the butchers bin up out of reach we don't have any problems.
With regular raw feeding and no accidents ours are fart free.

so the wind has now stopped and we are faced with nighttime poos! if its not one thing- its another!
If that persists, try adding a few kernels of sweetcorn to one meal - that will tell you which meal is being passed during the night. Then you could either feed that one earlier, so he poos before bed time; or later so he can hold it until morning.
If that persists, try adding a few kernels of sweetcorn to one meal - that will tell you which meal is being passed during the night. Then you could either feed that one earlier, so he poos before bed time; or later so he can hold it until morning.
I must try that. I have just been reading something interesting... I didnt realise that they digest wet and dry food at different speeds. He never had this problem on wet food - only dry food. Have reached out to wolfworthy and they said to try changing his last feed to either earlier or later as you suggested. Not sure I can change the time of his morning feed as he quite often doesnt eat until 11.30am so dont want to make it later and he wont always eat earlier. Trial and error I guess. Groomer has said it has done wonders for his anal glands and all poos are solid to reluctant to change at the moment.
I'm not sure the digesting at different speeds I'd as much of a ”thing” as some people would like us to believe. I mean, we eat carbs, meats and sugars in one meal, they are digested differently but we seem to survive. And dogs have eaten a scavenger diet for thousands of years - dog food is a recent invention. Until the 60s, dogs would be fed on table scraps (with relatively little meat, that would be far to valuable to give to a dog).

So I must admit, I usually read these things with a degree of skepticism. If you and he are happy with Wolfworthy, stick with it.
I'm not sure the digesting at different speeds I'd as much of a ”thing” as some people would like us to believe. I mean, we eat carbs, meats and sugars in one meal, they are digested differently but we seem to survive. And dogs have eaten a scavenger diet for thousands of years - dog food is a recent invention. Until the 60s, dogs would be fed on table scraps (with relatively little meat, that would be far to valuable to give to a dog).

So I must admit, I usually read these things with a degree of skepticism. If you and he are happy with Wolfworthy, stick with it.
fair enough! thanks. Will try and stay on the food and adjust timings - just cant deal with constant night time poos!
assume the nightime poos could just be a temporary side effect? its only be 2.5 weeks on the new food with no proper transitioning.
Very likely. Still a nuisance though!
So the saga continues. The night-time poos have stopped. We reduced the daily amount very slightly and it seems to have done the trick. However, he is still getting up 2-3 times a night and tapping on the baby gate to be taken out. I soon realised he didnt need the toilet and i just try to settle him down again. He settles on our bed and goes back to sleep for about half hour - then back to his bed. He then repeats this sometimes 2-3 times a night. I am aware that there may well be something unsettling him (foxes or something - albeit we live in a town) Is there anything else I can try? Am I doing the right thing? - its exhausting at the moment. I have in the past heard dogs/foxes outside but he hasnt and he has been sparko at the time - oblivious - so not sure if that is the reason. I dont want it to form into a habit as it will be harder to deal with then. TIA
You could try taking him out on lead, or corralling him into a small part of the garden so he can toilet if he needs to but not have any 'fun'. The latter worked really well for Jasper, who really wanted to chase the monsters from the end of the garden -after a couple of nights of complaining he didn't bother to ask to go out. Of course, if Freddie is happy to just stand at the top end of the garden sniffing the air it might be less successful.
You could try taking him out on lead, or corralling him into a small part of the garden so he can toilet if he needs to but not have any 'fun'. The latter worked really well for Jasper, who really wanted to chase the monsters from the end of the garden -after a couple of nights of complaining he didn't bother to ask to go out. Of course, if Freddie is happy to just stand at the top end of the garden sniffing the air it might be less successful.
I must admit I stopped taking him out as I didnt want him to get used to it and form a bad habit of asking each time. Do you think maybe I should take him out on the basis he realises there is nothing there to worry about and hope he gets bored? I was kind of hoping he would just stop asking earlier!
I must admit I stopped taking him out as I didnt want him to get used to it and form a bad habit of asking each time. Do you think maybe I should take him out on the basis he realises there is nothing there to worry about and hope he gets bored? I was kind of hoping he would just stop asking earlier!
Ahh, OK - I always let Jasper out on the basis that he just might need to go, but if you're confident that Freddie doesn't need to toilet then yes, it'd be best not to let him out. Good luck - being woken several times a night can be really draining.
ah sor
Ahh, OK - I always let Jasper out on the basis that he just might need to go, but if you're confident that Freddie doesn't need to toilet then yes, it'd be best not to let him out. Good luck - being woken several times a night can be really draining.
Ah Sorry - I should have clarified - I was taking him out regardless but after we changed his food portion size the night time poos stopped and it was evident he was just asking because he could and didn't actually need the toilet. I will stick with it and hope for the best. thanks!
Freddie is still asking to go out every night - sometimes more than once. He taps on the baby gate as if he wants to go out then jumps on the bed and goes to sleep having woken us up - then back to his bed after about 15-20 mins - a few hours later it is repeated. Any advice would be welcome. This has been going on over a month now. Very reluctant to change food as he eats this one including breakfast most of the time which is a first for him. Thanks

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