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BC 2 year old diet advice wanted again.

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Well, she did have a tiny loose accident yesterday but I can understand that and she has had zero night time accidents since she came back.

She even seems to want out less and when she does shes not even peeing so I think to her it's just routine.

She did have an accident today right before my lunch break though, took her out in morning and she didn't want to even pee, twice more before 11.20 again not even a pee but I was working and she asked again and at 11.50 she pooped in the hall (but held her pee until I took her out at 12)

But for this the weather has been extreme since yesterday, never seen my garden so waterlogged and even slipped and fell myself when in it earlier so it may be uncomfortable for her to go there.
Maybe she gets a better quality of life when at your parents, with more stimulation and easier visits to a garden where she can run loose and not be restricted when needing to do a we or a poo on the lead!!
Have your parents suggested that maybe she could live with them?
Quality of life is one thing I am unsure about, I take her out for multiple walks and relatives as well as parents are older so do a short 10-15 minute walk if that a day but they also give her a lot of affection.

But also theres no distractions at both relatives and parents because they live in quiet villages, I have local cats and my girl loves cats as she was raised with them so barks when she hears/sees them wagging her tail, and theres a lot of overall urban noise even though I live on a quiet street (though quite a few dogs on street)

Also at relatives and parents they take her on car trips so she gets to see new places,

Anyway forgot to say I thought of a reason for her poop accident the other day, she stole some turkey bones I was about to throw out and so made her loose that day, no accidents since then.

Both relatives and parents love her and happy to take her in any time but can't handle a dog full time due to their ages.

I do want to move myself, each time I have seen a place I like to rent or buy it goes far too quickly and the rest are out of my price range and some I see have no garden at alal or have a communal garden.
There are always lots of reasons "why not" but nothing seems to be working for her!
Well she seems to have settled since she came back, the 1 set of accidents she had was after she stole food she also seems to be more open to doing her business in garden again.

But I do think yes she needs a proper garden and more company.

EDIT : And the relatives who lost their dog a few months ago would love to look after her for an extended period, I wouldn't mind leaving her with them for a short time but they themselves said they worried they would get too attached to her and she may get too attached to them.
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If they do attach, it may be a good thing from both sides and better for everyone including the dog!
Anyway no more accidents since that one off a few days ago, I also gave her a shower yesterday and massaged her stomach with the dog shampoo, right after she wanted out and did a poop and been fine since then and more relaxed.

So she is improving, she also hasn't wanted to drink much since she came back I adjusted her diet a little and that seems to have done the trick, half tinned food half dry food that way she isn't too thirsty and the dry food means wet food alone which gives her soft poop is more solid and she has been far more relaxed on this.

I am also giving her more cuddles.
And wow, she heard post arrive went downstairs picked the letters off the floor and brought them to me, so I gave her a treat it's something I want to teach her but it's so random I need 2 people to do it would work for her needing a task to occupy her though.
No need for two people - you could simply put some letters inside the front door and encourage her to pick them up and give them to you. You might even find that having been rewarded for it once, she'll do it again next time you have mail. You could then extend it to bringing you other things - shoes, slippers, dropped hankies - as long as you avoid training her to bring you everything she can find to bring you (though the inconvenience of having to return them to their home, or keeping some things in a cupboard, is well worth a happy, switched on dog who feels helpful and appreciated).
Shes been doing fine last week, took her on a long teatime walk the other day too and this seems to have calmed her to nighttime and also what seems to help her is I open bedroom door around 7pm and she puts herself to bed and naps this is new for her she has never done this until recently but noticed shes enjoying it now just as shes beginning to use her dogbed I put in there for first time ever.

She did have one accident this week but that was day she was at dogsitters and she came home and woke me about 4 times during night whining and though I took her out the 1st time she threw up and pooped shortly after.
The nighttime walks are working, despite not working in past, zero accidents since I began them but at same time I have adjusted her diet since Christmas to a daily mix of wet and dry food this also has a bonus of her not drinking much rather than drinking a lot which probably helps too.

Also she does less poops in general, does her main on her big walk which is lunchtime or before that, and 2nd small one on evening walk.
Glad to hear you've implemented some changes and are finding them positive. I really hope this can continue for you both.
Still no accidents apart from the storm last week, she wasn't frightened by that but due to being in a red area I risked taking her on a walk to end of my street which is about 2 or 3 minutes to her potty spot and despite wearing a heavy jacket my hands were red raw, changed to amber around dinner time and quickly took her in garden but at 6.30 she pawed me to ask me for out and I told her I couldn't and she laid down.

30 minutes later I smell something and she had pooped in the hall.

Does prove she needs an evening walk though.

Took her to vets as she has been licking her bits a lot in past 2 month and they said she has some irritation and told her to try steroids for a week and if that doesn't fix problem to call vet back, it did seem to work.
Still no accidents, and for the most part shes calming down had a workman in my house the other day and she wanted a fuss but I told her to get off and workman was fine, she sat down wagging her tail and she did jump and want a fuss but sat down when told off and workman petted her and then she just sat by his feet wagging her tail.

Same with a visitor today.

What I am worried about though is shes getting a little vocal when on walks with other dogs, shes fine with small dogs except bulldog types as one of them attacked her when she was recovering from her spay almost 18 months ago, also she in general is fine with a dog but when it gets close to her face she can start barking and pulling doesn't seem in an full on snap aggressive way but does seem to be nerves, if she sees any large does most of all German Shepherds she goes crazy and barks and tries biting my lead seems more adrenaline than aggression but again when she was recovering from her surgery one ran up to her and knocked her over.

Even ones she knows she will happily walk along but if she just sees them she barks and goes into an alert position, but wags her tail at same time, one in particular is a neighbours dog, a big softie of a labradoodle but barely over a year old and likes to run up to her and be in her face, she doesn't go tight but does show her teeth a little and even snap if it gets close then seconds later wags her tail and wants to play chase it, if she sees it from window she barks wags her tail and runs to the door, and if I don't let her out to see him she whines.

So I can't tell if she want's to play but is nervous at same time, any big dog she has met at the dog walkers she is fine with, but there she is of lead in a large garden, it seems she is nervous when shes on leads around other dogs.

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