My mum has just rescued a bullmastiff who was about to be put down as it attacked the owners other dog. mum is willing to give the dog a chance in her home and had alot of information from the owner and has had different breeds in teh past so she is used to dogs but to give the dog the best chance does anyone have any good info or sites for more information.
The dogs first home she was badly beaten and starved mum is her third home in teh house she is amazing very obientent and listens to all commands come sit lie down and go to bed but outside she is a nightmare wont walk to heel not used to being walked, jumps at ppl going by not sure yet if aggressive but def very frightened.
Any help greated apppreciated
The dogs first home she was badly beaten and starved mum is her third home in teh house she is amazing very obientent and listens to all commands come sit lie down and go to bed but outside she is a nightmare wont walk to heel not used to being walked, jumps at ppl going by not sure yet if aggressive but def very frightened.
Any help greated apppreciated