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Hi Joyce thanks alot for replying,on behalf of the BWRA :thumbsup: don't want you to feel that i'm slating you or the BWRA but I feel that I must reply to your post.You said that somebody should have stood up and corrected the commitee at the AGM,I agree,but why if that is the case are you now making the same mistake again and sending out voting forms to members when there are NO proposals allowed until this years AGM :) Karen
Hi Karen

Im not sending the voting forms out Allison is, but to your Question I dont think it was a proposal as such the Bellwoods brought the sport in to disupute. So i dont agree that it is a proposal as such but everyone to there own.Everyone could go on for ever arguing which is right and what is wrong.The Bwra committee are only trying in the Bellwoods case to give them a fair deal therefore letting the members who have to race with them to decide whats to be done.Rodders I wasnt surgesting that you were slagging the Bwra committe off its just everytime something goes wrong there is always people ready to bring them down.its a thankless task been on any committee as you can not please all the people all the time. There is always someone going to complain its part of nature.

Thank you Joyce for your reply and as the person who started this thread I thought I would reply. Before I do I want to say that I am sincerely sorry to hear that you have personal problems at present.

For the benefit of anyone who has not understood my original point I will restate it very simply so please forgive me anyone who thinks the following is a bit too direct. I belong to the BWRA, I supported the committee and attended the club AGM, I support the sport by going to BWRA events. That is my part of the bargain in being a club member. My problem is that the committee are not keeping their part of the bargain, they have two websites presumeably set up to provide information to the membership, it does not require anyone one from the committee to sit on the computer 24/7 all it needs is ONE phonecall to Malcolm to ask him to update the websites and give him the relevant information. Now if it is too much trouble to contact one person to tell them what is going on then we really have come to a very sad state of affairs. It is no good telling me that I can read it in the WN, I have no wish to pay to get information that I am entitled to get for free as a member!

I am not "slagging off" the committee and I have to say that that response to frustration by members is wearing very thin, the committee wanted to be put up for election and once elected it is up to them to represent the wishes of their members.

I do not think it is too much to ask one member of the committee to make one phone call to one person to stop all of these ridiculous confrontations taking place

marielou said:
the committee wanted to be put up for election and once elected it is up to them to represent the wishes of their members.I do not think it is too much to ask one member of the committee to make one phone call to one person to stop all of these ridiculous confrontations taking place


Well said Marie :thumbsup:
Thankyou Joyce for your reply,much appreciated :D Karen
I really wish people would stop taking criticism in a negative and personal manner, this is not the agenda of whippet racers as a whole. Joyce please do not take our comments as a personal dig at you, or any singular member of the committee as there is no 'I' in Team. :thumbsup:

We all want the best for the sport and we're all grateful to those who do put their spare time into managing both racing organisations. One area in my line of work is customer service, I get subjected to criticism every day for problems that have occured in my organisation, however I do not take this personally and I take everything said as constructive criticism. Problems that are highlighted are brought to the attention of my managers and changes implimented and in my experience one of the best preventatives to complaints is to keep your customers informed.

When you see threads from 2002 being brought up by your peers, where complaints today are the same as they were then, then you've got to wonder how can an organisation in the 21st Century be so under developed and inefficient. We have the technology, all we need is some positive mental attitude going on.

P.s. Joyce, I hope your problems improve and 2008 is a better year for you. :luck:

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marielou said:
Thank you Joyce for your reply and as the person who started this thread I thought I would reply. Before I do I want to say that I am sincerely sorry to hear that you have personal problems at present.For the benefit of anyone who has not understood my original point I will restate it very simply so please forgive me anyone who thinks the following is a bit too direct. I belong to the BWRA, I supported the committee and attended the club AGM, I support the sport by going to BWRA events. That is my part of the bargain in being a club member. My problem is that the committee are not keeping their part of the bargain, they have two websites presumeably set up to provide information to the membership, it does not require anyone one from  the committee to sit on the computer 24/7 all it needs is ONE phonecall to Malcolm to ask him to update the websites and give him the relevant information. Now if it is too much trouble to contact one person to tell them what is going on then we really have come to a very sad state of affairs. It is no good telling me that I can read it in the WN, I have no wish to pay to get information that I am entitled to get for free as a member!

I am not "slagging off" the committee and I have to say that that response to frustration by members is wearing very thin, the committee wanted to be put up for election and once elected it is up to them to represent the wishes of their members.

I do not think it is too much to ask one member of the committee to make one phone call to one person to stop all of these ridiculous confrontations taking place



I'm with you on this one, i don't see why information can not be posted on the websites, this then gives the members choice, they can use the internet, the whippet news and / or both.

Sharon Fletcher
I dont take any of your comments personly i believe everyone should have there say what ever the situation but my comments were everone makes mistakes so try and help them is my moto. marielou very Direct but Honest. I will print this topic off and send it to Allison so she can read what been said and not heresay if she wants me to reply for her i will post it as soon as possible. Goodnight All



I personally don't think people are slagging the committee offI think the members are confused as to what is going on

which proposals and votes are standing still and which are not

certain bwra rules are counteracting certain decisions the top table are making

It an endless job been on any committee and trying to please everyone but comments should not be taken personal , rules have been in place since the bwra started and unless they are changed in our rule books then  problems and conflicts start

Most of our present top table are new on there, so i think the top table are getting

it in the neck so to speak from previous year and years of mistakes, i am not blaming anyone thats ever been on the bwra top table... I  blame the reelection every year now 2 years , it is not long enough for any top table to get to know each other and the way each other works...this is probably one of the main reasons that mistakes have been made and certain rules forgotten or over looked... personally i would leave a top table in place for at least 5 years or better still until the person wants to resign

I am sure no matter what happens about the decisions made at last years agm

until this years it will all correct its self in time esp if proper communication with members is sorted out , things all get blown out of proportion and bits get added on ... its always been like that ,and any updates you can post on k9 will be much appreciated Joyce ...  yes mistakes happen all the time (just look at me i cock the fed program up at every event) :- "

Hopefully we learn by these mistakes and we try to correct them as fairly and quickly as possible, i am more than sure the present bwra top table will do so and i have full confidence in them.

The sooner the chairman sort out the rule book and Constitution the better it will be for all ...just my opinion , i posted a query on k9 about 2 rules that are standing at the moment and no-one on here knew the answer to 1 of them


Whilst k9 has its good points, the downside is that some information is not posted, or a personal interpretation is. For the first time in many years I did not attend the AGM believing it not to be a proposal meeting - I have always said to people that if you do not attend the meeting and vote you have no right to moan about the outcome; that said the first I heard of the Bellwoods ban from the BWRA and re-instating of drug testing and increase in registration fees was a petition put up in the shed at Old Hall, I know reps do attend meetings on members behalf but due to work committments this was not possible for the Old Hall reps which again led to people being given a lot of grief. I have my own personal feelings about both these items BUT as I have stated as I did not go to the meeting and vote I felt it was wrong to go against what was voted in by those who did attend and I would have abided by the rules that were voted in; but following this another notice was put up informing members that there would be no drug testing and the registration fees were to stay the same. There was no explanation and this was the only source of information for a lot of Old Hall members. While I cannot thank the members of both committees enough for doing what at times must seem to be a thankless and soul destroying job, I do agree there must be some agreement/arrangement to update K9 with the CORRECT/AMENDED outcome of meetings for members who can access K9. and pass on (or print out and display) correct information otherwise what seems to be a personal attack on hardworking commitee members will continue.

I realise that people do have their own personal lives to lead and the problems that go with it and not everyone has access to a computer and with this in mind would like to offer my (and Sally's who is far better at this computer lark than me) help in updating any information that members need to know .

Good luck and a successful/injury free 2008 to all. :cheers:

woody said:
Hi KarenIm not sending the voting forms out Allison is, but to your Question I dont think it was a proposal as such the Bellwoods brought the sport in to disupute. So i dont agree that it is a proposal as such but everyone to there own.Everyone could go on for ever arguing which is right and what is wrong.The Bwra committee are only trying in the Bellwoods case to give them a fair deal therefore letting the members who have to race with them to decide whats to be done.


From the bwra agm

Rita Young then expressed her disgust in Mr and Mrs Bellwoods taking the NNWRF funds, as this money belongs to all of us. Tony Cooper said the BWRA is a democratic organisation, and it was up to the members to decide what to do about the situation. A letter was then read out from wallsend wrc, stating that anyone currently under a ban from either the BWRA or NNWRF, would not be allowed to race at Wallsend WRC. Rita Young then proposed that bruce and di bellwood be banned from the bwra for life, this was seconded by P.Johnson. Votes for 28... against

Sorry Joyce but i have to disagree Bruce and DI situation was proposed for a ban

So if there was a mistake made and none of 2007 proposals are been used then neither can this one a bwra member knowing that Mr B Bellwood has sent a solicitors letter in to the BWRA and had a meeting with the rep and top table .. the result of the meeting been a postal vote for every member of the BWRA ... I f Mr Bellwood proves that the situation him and his wife had with the NNWRF had nothing to do with the BWRA and proves the BWRA members / committee etc guilty and could we be held responsible to be sued ... as the way i see it now there should have never been a proposal allowed and no voting

Something for us all to think about before sending any postal voting forms out to members

Surly the top table cannot discard all what was proposed and voted on except the Bellwood's situation

I totally agree that the Bellwood's brought the sport into disrepute but i think we have to be very careful now esp with the actions thats been taken over the whole 2007 AGM


why not send out a voting for asking members if they want the bellwood issue passing onto the police, if solicitors are being involved from one side do what you should have done in the first place and report a crime and let the C.P.S deal with it ,if they are convicted of a crime then ban them, you all know the result before the action is take MICK
I think 'Sport into disrepute' would cover both the BWRA and NNWRF,Dee,and however this voting has come about,I would have thought Bruce would be aware of the outcome of the meeting,and the fact that this has now gone out to the full membership to decide the outcome.If the vote is not in favour of the Bellwoods running for any length of time,then i'm sure they would both accept this,even though it will proberbly leave as sour a taste in their mouth as the theft left in ours.I also don't think for one minute that any of us as members will find ourselves in court.In my opinion any one of us(members of the NNWRF) could have approached the police with regards to the theft of the money,but we all saw that the best way forward was to leave it to the commitee to deal with.I'm sure Bruce and Di will be happier with the whole of the BWRA membership voting,rather than the amount of people who attended the AGM,and whatever the result of the vote i'm sure it will be accepted by all,even people not in agreement with the outcome. :) Karen
salvageman said:
woody said:
Hi KarenIm not sending the voting forms out Allison is, but to your Question I dont think it was a proposal as such the Bellwoods brought the sport in to disupute. So i dont agree that it is a proposal as such but everyone to there own.Everyone could go on for ever arguing which is right and what is wrong.The Bwra committee are only trying in the Bellwoods case to give them a fair deal therefore letting the members who have to race with them to decide whats to be done.


From the bwra agm

Rita Young then expressed her disgust in Mr and Mrs Bellwoods taking the NNWRF funds, as this money belongs to all of us. Tony Cooper said the BWRA is a democratic organisation, and it was up to the members to decide what to do about the situation. A letter was then read out from wallsend wrc, stating that anyone currently under a ban from either the BWRA or NNWRF, would not be allowed to race at Wallsend WRC. Rita Young then proposed that bruce and di bellwood be banned from the bwra for life, this was seconded by P.Johnson. Votes for 28... against

Sorry Joyce but i have to disagree Bruce and DI situation was proposed for a ban

So if there was a mistake made and none of 2007 proposals are been used then neither can this one a bwra member knowing that Mr B Bellwood has sent a solicitors letter in to the BWRA and had a meeting with the rep and top table .. the result of the meeting been a postal vote for every member of the BWRA ... I f Mr Bellwood proves that the situation him and his wife had with the NNWRF had nothing to do with the BWRA and proves the BWRA members / committee etc guilty and could we be held responsible to be sued ... as the way i see it now there should have never been a proposal allowed and no voting

Something for us all to think about before sending any postal voting forms out to members

Surly the top table cannot discard all what was proposed and voted on except the Bellwood's situation

I totally agree that the Bellwood's brought the sport into disrepute but i think we have to be very careful now esp with the actions thats been taken over the whole 2007 AGM


why not send out a voting for asking members if they want the bellwood issue passing onto the police, if solicitors are being involved from one side do what you should have done in the first place and report a crime and let the C.P.S deal with it ,if they are convicted of a crime then ban them, you all know the result before the action is take MICK

as far as the nnwrf are concerned this matter has been dealt with and now done with . including all money been returned.
salvageman said:
woody said:
Hi KarenIm not sending the voting forms out Allison is, but to your Question I dont think it was a proposal as such the Bellwoods brought the sport in to disupute. So i dont agree that it is a proposal as such but everyone to there own.Everyone could go on for ever arguing which is right and what is wrong.The Bwra committee are only trying in the Bellwoods case to give them a fair deal therefore letting the members who have to race with them to decide whats to be done.


From the bwra agm

Rita Young then expressed her disgust in Mr and Mrs Bellwoods taking the NNWRF funds, as this money belongs to all of us. Tony Cooper said the BWRA is a democratic organisation, and it was up to the members to decide what to do about the situation. A letter was then read out from wallsend wrc, stating that anyone currently under a ban from either the BWRA or NNWRF, would not be allowed to race at Wallsend WRC. Rita Young then proposed that bruce and di bellwood be banned from the bwra for life, this was seconded by P.Johnson. Votes for 28... against

Sorry Joyce but i have to disagree Bruce and DI situation was proposed for a ban

So if there was a mistake made and none of 2007 proposals are been used then neither can this one a bwra member knowing that Mr B Bellwood has sent a solicitors letter in to the BWRA and had a meeting with the rep and top table .. the result of the meeting been a postal vote for every member of the BWRA ... I f Mr Bellwood proves that the situation him and his wife had with the NNWRF had nothing to do with the BWRA and proves the BWRA members / committee etc guilty and could we be held responsible to be sued ... as the way i see it now there should have never been a proposal allowed and no voting

Something for us all to think about before sending any postal voting forms out to members

Surly the top table cannot discard all what was proposed and voted on except the Bellwood's situation

I totally agree that the Bellwood's brought the sport into disrepute but i think we have to be very careful now esp with the actions thats been taken over the whole 2007 AGM


why not send out a voting for asking members if they want the bellwood issue passing onto the police, if solicitors are being involved from one side do what you should have done in the first place and report a crime and let the C.P.S deal with it ,if they are convicted of a crime then ban them, you all know the result before the action is take MICK

the BWRA have nothing to take them to court for unless you know something the rest of us don't

The NNWRF could have done just that then sat back and let the courts deal with it the outcome would have been probably the Bellwoods would have got a criminal record the NNWRF members would have got a victory and been £4300 worse off instead the committee decided first to try and get as much back as possible Dee was in numerous meetings with the bank and their advisors in order to achieve the best outcome for the members and get your money back which is what we have done the files were kept open at the bank until everything agreed between both parties had been adhered to if the Bellwoods had failed to comply these files would then have been passed over by the bank to their fraud investigators , Fortunately for all concerned this hasn't been neccessary, Members were kept informed at all times and their views taken onboard. The final outcome was the members got the money back and the Bellwoods membership was withdrawn permanently. THIS CASE IS NOW CLOSED as far as the NNWRF committee is concerned
Can I politely ask people to stay on the topic that I started, I was asking about ways to improve communication between the BWRA committee and the membership. I did not start this topic to rehash any of the items on the AGM agenda, I particularly did not start it to dredge up the Di and Bruce situation. If people want to discuss that can you please start your own topic and discuss it there

If anyone wants to talk about ways to improve communication I would be really pleased to read their posts

Sorry if this upsets anyone but this is really making me cross

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marielou said:
Can I politely ask people to stay on the topic that I started, I was asking about ways to improve communication between the BWRA committee and the membership. I did not start this topic to rehash any of the items on the AGM agenda, I particularly did not start it to dredge up the Di and Bruce situation. If people want to discuss that can you please start your own topic and discuss it thereIf anyone wants to talk about ways to improve communication I would be really pleased to read their posts

Sorry if this upsets anyone but this is really making me cross


Nothing wrong with your communicational skills think people might just know where your coming from ---LOL

Karen-Coral said:
marielou said:
Can I politely ask people to stay on the topic that I started, I was asking about ways to improve communication between the BWRA committee and the membership. I did not start this topic to rehash any of the items on the AGM agenda, I particularly did not start it to dredge up the Di and Bruce situation. If people want to discuss that can you please start your own topic and discuss it thereIf anyone wants to talk about ways to improve communication I would be really pleased to read their posts

Sorry if this upsets anyone but this is really making me cross


Nothing wrong with your communicational skills think people might just know where your coming from ---LOL


Thanks Steve (w00t)
I thought the topic was about communication or lack of it since the Oct 07 AGM ...and would think the Bellwood's along with drug test etc prop are all in that category, but if i have read the topic wrong please forgive me , i was just want to make members aware of the possibility of legal action that may be taken after the AGM

My mistake sorry

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