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Car sick! Any advice or ideas very welcome


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Our lovely whippet sisters are now one year old and still suffer car sickness even for a one mile drive. We have tried making these short trips on a daily basis but it hasn’t improved the matter. Ornie is the one who really suffers although this morning we tried taking both Ornie and Sassi for about 10 miles and they were both sick although Sassi had never been sick before. They had nothing whatsoever to eat today beforehand. Ornie was repeatedly sick on the way and Sassi was sick once. On the return journey Ornie was sick multiple times. We would love to be able to take them places without this problem. They travel in a secure dog crate and don’t mind the crate in any way.

Many thanks in advance for any help that can be offered, much appreciated!
A ginger biscuit 20 minutes before travelling helps some dogs - could be worth a shot?
Could they sit on the back seat with a harness belt on friends dog is sick in the boot but not on the back
A ginger biscuit 20 minutes before travelling helps some dogs - could be worth a shot?
Many thanks for the ginger thoughts- I’ve intended to try it as it works for me if I’m feeling queasy and take a ginger capsule. I will definitely try it but haven’t really thought it would help because Ornie gets so sick and not just queasy. However, anything’s worth a try! We were planning to take them on a 3 day trip away in September but the drive, though not far, is actually five times the distance traveled today and it has taken them all day to recover and even now at almost 9pm they are still not fully recovered. As the whole trip was planned for them, it makes us feel it just might not be the best idea!

many thanks for your thoughts!
Could they sit on the back seat with a harness belt on friends dog is sick in the boot but not on the back
Thanks for your help, we certainly need it.
They have been in all positions in the vehicle other than driver’s seat!! Ornie has been sick every single time within a mile or so. The back seat is actually down so the crate occupies the space where the seats would normally be.
Thanks for the thoughts!!
You can get medication from the vet that might be worth trying - but if you do, do give it a trial run before taking a longer trip in case it doesn't work or has unpleasant side effects.

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