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If you cut top ten events this will make make clubs put on more add opens for lost ones or past dogs,so there for these will be like reginal opens,and this will save cost.
and if you are not happy with running at your club because this is boring your must be doing some thing wrong,we have a right good day when we go to our clubs weather it be wed sat or sun,notts,old hall,shire brooke,race the dogs win or loose we go for a pint and a good soical time.

you wud have good competion at your club if opens were cut,because every one in your area would be at the club.

and it is time to stop going over the same old dirt,and look at some different turf.because this sport will be gone in 5 or 10 years,

and to say how many people look on this web site i do not think there has been enough people reply with most people cant really be that bothered about the sport.

I'm not saying the club is boring we have a great club bend and straight, I like to go open racing as I think most of our club members do hence we have mid week racing so we support whippet racing all round

I have never been bothered about chasing Top Ten points seen a lot of good dogs been burnt out far to soon over the years because of it , I just enjoy open racing at the weekends win or lose
Some good points but it like going to barbers a trim good but skinhead a bit to far so just think you got stop opens clashing every weekend see how that goes first a lot poeple love this sport so I can see why peoples bloods boiling look at fed this year changing few thing so people enjoy there events just look at few of there turn outs another good day I had was at notts & derby add open putting on barbie at cheap price clubs just got try hard don't take thing for granted if the open don't clash will help :thumbsup:
If you cut top ten events this will make make clubs put on more add opens for lost ones or past dogs,so there for these will be like reginal opens,and this will save cost.
and if you are not happy with running at your club because this is boring your must be doing some thing wrong,we have a right good day when we go to our clubs weather it be wed sat or sun,notts,old hall,shire brooke,race the dogs win or loose we go for a pint and a good soical time.

you wud have good competion at your club if opens were cut,because every one in your area would be at the club.

and it is time to stop going over the same old dirt,and look at some different turf.because this sport will be gone in 5 or 10 years,

and to say how many people look on this web site i do not think there has been enough people reply with most people cant really be that bothered about the sport.

I think it a bit unfair to imply that anyone who hasn't given an opinion doesn't care about the sport. Like me I reckon that some people just don't know what can be done. I have suggested to people at worcester club that we could do more advertising to attract more people but from what I have heard it has been done in the past and never attracted any new members. So there is no point in me suggesting something that has been tried and not worked. I totally agree that something is wrong if you find your own club boring. Worcester doesn't have enough dogs regularly attending to hold a race but I always enjoy going for the social aspect, meeting friends and catching up. I'd to see the sport improve but I really don't have clue what the answer and that is why I have not given my opinion, it is not because I don't care.
I think the majority of people agreed with Chris's original post, it was just the format of the opens she suggested that a lot of people queried.

After a lot of thought therefore in 2012, the 8 BWRA regions will forfeit one of the Top Ten opens, leaving one from now on. The regions don’t need the revenue as much as the clubs, each club now being entitled to 2 Top Ten Opens. As it stands; Fordingbridge already have 2 Top Ten dates (which includes 1 Charity), as do Ayrshire, Old Hall, Notts/Derby. Horden stage the UK scratch champs. Kirkcaldy; The Scottish Derby and Scottish Champs, with the same for Thurrock who stage the South Coast Scr bend and straight events, I’m not sure these clubs would all want any more!!!

Clubs could run one open on weight group principal, with the other as ‘ABC’ for a trial year to see if one format attracts more dogs than the other.

Clubs that may benefit from this are; Worcester, Maltby, Stockton, A & T, Wallsend & Newton Aycliffe etc!!

The regions who lose one of their opens, could maybe offer their lost ‘Trophy’ to be run at a club, instead of making it an additional open (for example, the E Mids region’s clubs are ‘Notts/Derby, Old Hall & Shirebrook’, the latter stages only one open, so maybe one of the regional trophies ie; Rhinesize or Another Maid….could be taken on by that club.
What would the calendar look like if we went along with this idea Chris?

PS. I really hope you rethink your decision to stop editing Whippet News
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I agree there is not as many dogs as once were, why because in most places you dont get club racing,because they are all open local people are not seeing or hearing about can not join or find out how to join.
how to get clubs thriving and to get more to turn out at opens.we dont need to fiddle with the formats as there a wide variety through the year and if we mess to much it will not be the same sport we once had,

well if you just had 2 straight champs,2 bend champs,keep all the classics and golden jackets,and both derbys.this will still be 19 or so top ten events.

therefore,this will force us all to use our local club for training our dogs towards the big open

also most weeks our not so good dogs will be ran at u club in handicap or be tt or what ever you there will be more people at the u dont have to run something on at the side of an open,as there would not really be time.

witch is then better for the clubs.and your clubs income as you will be at your club more often

as there will be less opens.people can get there dogs right for most of the opens and not nacker a dog up for the sake of 2 tt ponits.

the best dog will then win the top ten,not the most travaled

people will want to traval to opens, as you are not running agaist the same dogs week in week out.and you will want to test your dog against the best at opens once you are winning/or doing well at your club.

I think the champs should be moved every year to make it fair for all!,i think clubs should have to apply for the champs and put in an offer to the committes on what they can offer ie;camping,entertainment,qualluty of track,ect.

this would lead to less moaning and people trying to make things,or looking for better veneues even if it is just a one off.this way the veneue may even give sponsorship

but this should be something for both our committes to sit down and sort out as the sport we love is on its knees.

Agree with what you suggest only thing is wouldnt do away with any bend events as most are well attended and quite a few whippet clubs have to close during winter for various reasons so the only racing is bend racing

Some good points but it like going to barbers a trim good but skinhead a bit to far so just think you got stop opens clashing every weekend see how that goes first a lot poeple love this sport so I can see why peoples bloods boiling look at fed this year changing few thing so people enjoy there events just look at few of there turn outs another good day I had was at notts & derby add open putting on barbie at cheap price clubs just got try hard don't take thing for granted if the open don't clash will help :thumbsup:
Like the way you put it Lyndon :thumbsup: I personally do think it could be beneficial to loose a few opens throughout the calendar, but i was thinking more along the lines of regional ones and ones that are connected to clubs that are no longer in existence. I think the clubs still need their opens for revenue and an open is always a good day to show off to spectators what you club brings to the sport. Maybe a few daring clubs may try different formats to see if it boosts numbers not sure if it would, but whatever we do I'm sure in the long run we are all striving to improve our hobby not loose it. :thumbsup:

It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backwards. :thumbsup:
have been thinking about this a lot. i kind of agree there is too many opens so wot chris is suggsesting is have those that she has said. wot i am saying is have those that she has said plus each club which is still in existance and hold regular handicaps say maybe have to race 10 handicaps per year each club cud hold 1 bend open and 1 straight open for top ten points. so this way u still have 1 fed or bwra open each month then spread each club open evenly throughout the year 1 or 2 per month. i know this wud do away with memorial opens and past dog opens etc etc so this is just my idea. along with the opens do the maiden thing that way if there r spectators they wont see a club dog being anielated (russells word lol) if they enter the traditional open. we have quite a healthy handicap @ wallsend rising sun @ the mo approx 15 per week sometimes more sometimes less. we have had a few visitors over the months. weve had peds coming 4 a look, a lurcher, greyhounds. a guy has been popping by for a few months now then 2 weeks ago he got himself a whippert (rescue i believe) but hes now starting to train her and will hopefully go on to race her @ the club. to attract people to club race @ our agm we came up with a few ideas. for instance we have 4 points trophies ran for throghoou the year spring/summer/autumn/winter. we also introduded the 6 heat pool (money gets taken out of entries weekly) its been won 3 times first time £22 2nd time £16 and 3rd time £18 this benefits regular club racers. a full handicap interests spectators so for a full handicap u need incentives. people then might get into the racing and end up with 7 dogs like me who was only ever going to have 1 lol so keep trying to promote your club u never know something may just work. when holding an open wud it b benificial to get your local paper to do a piece?
just my opinion i think it should be left alone theres loads of choice as it is .....and your wrong carole there are a lot less in the sport than there was 10 or 15 year ago
just my opinion i think it should be left alone theres loads of choice as it is .....and your wrong carole there are a lot less in the sport than there was 10 or 15 year ago

I really done think there is myself. there might be a few less but theres not loads less. just curious here but in each persons region can they say whose left the sport in the last 10 years or sadly passed away? then name any newcomers in the last ten years we have had some. :thumbsup: and see if there actually is a lot less. maybe some people just club race now i know theres a few in this area that just club race but they still race.
well we used to get 8 heats on a club night now we lucky to get 8 dogs :wacko:
i know people keep saying we need to attract people into the sport wot we really need to attract into the sport is younger people keep the kids involved as they r the next generation of whippet racers (and i dont even like kids lol) (w00t)
well we used to get 8 heats on a club night now we lucky to get 8 dogs :wacko:

ive raced about 16/17years now i think. i remember the rising sun @ the most having 30 dogs racing on a sunday morning even 15 years ago now we get about half of that but the 30 dogs was a really good turn out it wud be between 20 and 30. there is a few who have left racing but theres a few who have joined us. 4 instance maureen and donna weatherson dont race but donnas husband gary does every sun. donna and maureen may have raced 3 to 4 dogs between them but gary only has one. the mitchelsons no longer race they may have had about 6 dogs between them but we have say the likse of judy who now races 2 who never raced 15 years ago. so i guess what im saying is similar amount of people but they have less dogs so come on people get yourself some more dogs lol the greys raced years ago they dont now but the rapers do. so imo for most who have left the sport they r replaced with newcomers kind of if u get wot i mean? :wacko:
i know people keep saying we need to attract people into the sport wot we really need to attract into the sport is younger people keep the kids involved as they r the next generation of whippet racers (and i dont even like kids lol) (w00t)
Well we have done our bit on passing whippet racing on to the next generation, onto the 5th generation of whippet racers now, 4 generations of us attending together at most meetings lol (w00t) :thumbsup:
i know people keep saying we need to attract people into the sport wot we really need to attract into the sport is younger people keep the kids involved as they r the next generation of whippet racers (and i dont even like kids lol) (w00t)
Well we have done our bit on passing whippet racing on to the next generation, onto the 5th generation of whippet racers now, 4 generations of us attending together at most meetings lol (w00t) :thumbsup:

and thats absolutly brilliant :thumbsup:
definatly not as many carole but your a woman so i give in lol
Definitely not as many, dogs, people or clubs lol
it does'nt matter what is done imo the price of fuel & amount of members as a big impact on where & when people race there dogs ;)
got to be half has many clubs and dogs has they use to be

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